Attending this event?
Welcome to GIS-Pro 2024: URISA’s 62nd Annual Conference, taking place in Portland, Maine! This is where you review the comprehensive educational program for the conference and plan your agenda.

We are pleased to collaborate with the New England Chapter of URISA on this important event.

Go to this page to register for the conference and make travel plans; review sponsor and exhibit packages, and check out young professional and student opportunities. Early bird registration discounts are available until August 1. 
Saturday, October 5

12:00pm EDT

URISA Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday October 5, 2024 12:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Pre-conference URISA Board of Directors' meeting. It has been a busy year for the URISA Board of Directors. This meeting will provide an opportunity to check a few more things off of the list and prepare for the week ahead. 

Saturday October 5, 2024 12:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Sunday, October 6

8:00am EDT

URISA Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday October 6, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
This will be the last Board meeting for these amazing leaders:
  • Ashley Hitt
  • Judy Colby-George
  • Stacey Corbett
  • Tim Nolan
Their contributions and leadership during the past three years has been unmatched!
Sunday October 6, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Sunday October 6, 2024 12:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Sunday October 6, 2024 12:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

URISA Volunteer Forum
Sunday October 6, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Sunday October 6, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Connecticut/Rhode Island

1:00pm EDT

URISA's Vanguard Cabinet Annual Strategy Session
Sunday October 6, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Annual strategizing session for URISA's Vanguard Cabinet members.
avatar for Sara Thompson

Sara Thompson

GIS Manager, Arizona Department of Transportation
avatar for Ethan McGhee

Ethan McGhee

Systems Application Specialist, City of San Luis Obispo

Sunday October 6, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

GIS-Pro Young Professionals Networking Event: Connect, Engage, Grow
Sunday October 6, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
If you've been paying attention for the past decade or so, you know that URISA's young professional leaders are amazing! Welcoming, energetic, and connected!

Join us for an informal networking event the night before the conference! Connect at 6pm in the lobby bar. After spending some time getting to know everyone, those who are interested in dining as a group will head out. The rest of the plan is up to you!
Sunday October 6, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Holiday Inn Lobby Bar
Monday, October 7

7:00am EDT

Coffee Break
Monday October 7, 2024 7:00am - 8:30am EDT
Monday October 7, 2024 7:00am - 8:30am EDT
State of Maine Hallway

7:30am EDT

Monday October 7, 2024 7:30am - 5:00pm EDT
Monday October 7, 2024 7:30am - 5:00pm EDT

8:00am EDT

Cybersecurity Awareness for GIS Professionals - Half-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Cybersecurity Awareness for GIS Professionals - Half-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
David Lanter Ph.D., Director - Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security, Temple University – Fox School – Management Information Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP, Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network, Williamsburg, Virginia

National and economic security depends on reliable functioning of critical infrastructure, including transportation, utility, pipeline, and other distribution and collection networks. Cybersecurity threats exploit the increased complexity and connectivity of critical infrastructure systems, placing our nations’ security, economies, and public safety and health at risk. Similar to financial and reputational risk, cybersecurity risk can affect an organization’s bottom line by driving up costs and impacting revenue. It can also impact an organization’s ability to innovate, share and protect information, keep agreements, and gain and maintain public confidence.

In this half-day workshop, you will learn key concepts and components necessary for protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) of geospatial information assets. You will gain an understanding of the importance and key techniques for managing security of information assets including access control, disaster recovery and business continuity that can be made part of the GIS organization’s management process.

The first part of the workshop will focus on information security risk identification and management. The second part of the class will cover details of security threats and the mitigation strategies used to manage risk.

Learning Outcomes
  • Gain an understanding of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats
  • Learn how cybersecurity risks are identified, classified, prioritized and matched to control strategies
  • Develop an understanding of how cybersecurity risks are managed, mitigated and controlled
  • Gain familiarity with a number of cybersecurity frameworks, standards and guidelines

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for David Lanter, Ph.D., GISP, CISA, CISSP

David Lanter, Ph.D., GISP, CISA, CISSP

Director - Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security Graduate Program & National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dave Lanter, PhD, GISP, CISA, CISSP is Director for Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security graduate programs & National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense at Temple University. Previously, he was Vice President of Information Management Services at CDM Smith... Read More →
avatar for Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network
Matt Gerike is Geospatial Program Manager for 9-1-1 GIS at the Virginia Geographic Information Network where he supports localities across the commonwealth. He has managed GIS offices and projects in local government, worked with state level GIS clearinghouses and data development... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT

8:00am EDT

Emergency Preparedness for GIS - Half-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Emergency Preparedness for GIS - Half-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Theresa (Tari) Martin, GISP, Director, National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation
Doug Adams, GISP, Senior Lead GIS Specialist, Maryland Environmental Service, Catonsville, MD

Today, disasters are becoming more complex, costly, and frequent. First responders and emergency managers are relying more and more on geospatial technology to prepare for, respond to, and recover from these disasters. There is a pressing need for cross-training on the non-technical disciplines GIS staff is being asked to support. Specifically, public safety (emergency management, police, and fire services) and the rigid workflows that accompany their daily duties often prove foreign to those unfamiliar with these activities.

To accommodate their needs in a time-sensitive situation, GIS professionals must be armed with enough knowledge of emergency management and first responder activities, and information requirements. They must also be able to effectively anticipate and discern the needs of decision-makers and first responders and quickly produce the spatial document(s) that best support decision-making in an emergency.

This workshop is divided into two parts:

Part 1. First, a brief overview of the Incident Command Structure and the National Incident Management System, which provide the framework under which public safety and homeland security operations occur.
Part 2. Then, we will introduce the Geospatial Concept of Operations and the integration of geospatial technology across the mission areas (Protection, Prevention, Mitigation, Response and Recovery).

Throughout, we will review common situations at the local level and showcase studies/examples of how GIS is used to support the disaster continuum. We will also discuss relevant data sets for public safety, resources and emerging technologies, and suggestions for integrating GIS into an organization’s disaster preparedness planning.

Learning Objectives:
  • Communicate a basic understanding of the framework that shapes emergency management preparedness activities for the whole community.
  • Understand the key integration points of GIS data, analysis, and technology to support preparedness activities aimed at building a more resilient nation.
  • Gain knowledge of standards and best practices for the production of decision-support tools, field applications, and public information products.

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for Theresa Martin, GISP

Theresa Martin, GISP

Director, National and Federal at National Alliance for Public Safety GIS (NAPSG) Foundation
Theresa Martin, GISP is the Director of National and Federal Programs for the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS (NAPSG) Foundation, where she is responsible for managing a team of technologists in the development of technology solutions used by emergency managers and first responders... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Rhode Island

8:00am EDT

A Knowledge Workers Guide to Visual Management - Full-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
A Knowledge Workers Guide to Visual Management - Full-Day Workshop 
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tim Nolan, GISP, CGCIO, LAVM, Senior Applications Manager, Collin County, Mc Kinney, TX
Wendy Peloquin, GISP, Business Development Manager, Avineon, Jacksonville, FL

Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM, Corporate GIS Manager, Terracon Data Solutions, Portsmouth, NH 

“Visual Management is the application of Lean and Agile practices to build new ways of working for individuals and teams on-the-fly” (Modus Institute).

In our highly interactive workshop, we will concentrate on…
  • How we as professionals are doing the right work?
  • How do we come to alignment?
  • How do we make decisions?
  • Do we understand the work to be done?
  • When is it to be delivered?
  • How complex is the work?
  • Where might the work stumble?
  • Can we see what is important?

We take a system thinking approach to the complexities of new/unexplored work, (mis)understanding, decision-less meetings, interruptions, prioritization, communicating decisions and difficulty of collaboration. We will introduce the system of communications, system of meetings and the system of doing the right work at the right time.
We will conduct practical exercises that focus on visualizing our and limiting our work in progress. We will look at value stream mapping as an effective visualization and put those visualizations into action. There will be exercises to harvest ideas and tackle sticky problems. Ultimately, we will turn learning into action items.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Visualize your work
  • Limit your work in progress
  • Understand your work
  • Filter complexity
  • Turn your visualization into action

Upon completion, the student should know how to visualize their work, limit their work in progress, understand their work, filter complexity and demonstrate how to turn their visualizations into action. The student will have the framework to facilitate these exercises with others.

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for Tim Nolan, GISP, CGCIO, LAVM


Senior Applications Manager, Collin County
Tim has more than 30 years of experience as a leader, speaker, and Lean and Agile practitioner. As a Technologist with executive and hands-on experience in Information Technology (IT), Records Management, and GIS for local government/municipal technology initiatives, Tim has created... Read More →
avatar for Wendy Peloquin, GISP

Wendy Peloquin, GISP

Business Development Manager, Avineon
Wendy Peloquin, GISP is a Business Development Manager at Avineon with over 15 years of industry experience. She earned a B.S. in Geography and a Certificate in GIS from UGA and a Masters degree in GIS Administration from the UWF.  Wendy is an active member of URISA International... Read More →
avatar for Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM

Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM

Corporate GIS Manager, Terracon
Brett is the Corporate GIS Manager for Terracon Consulting Engineers and has worked in the GIS field for over 2 decades. His duties include the management of GIS analysis, geohazard mapping, web and mobile mapping projects, & company GIS support. Brett is also a retired police officer... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT

8:00am EDT

An Overview of Open Source GIS Software - Full-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
An Overview of Open Source GIS Software - Full-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Matthew Yurman, PMP, Principal, Spatial Focus, Inc., Decatur, GA
Sara Yurman, GISP, Director of Information Services, Spatial Focus, Inc., Decatur, GA

Free and open source software (FOSS) has been offering choices to computer users for a number of years. This workshop offers a quick dip into open source, focusing on the use of a common suite of GIS open-source software. Both technical and management discussions of open-source development will be accompanied by a series of exercises that start with freshly installed software and progresses through creating a spatial database for use by a work group, along with examples of data analysis and web publication.

Participants are invited to bring their own laptops and follow along with the step-by-step instructions. The workshop ends with an overview of a wide variety of open-source software packages that can extend the capabilities explored in the exercises.

Exercises include:
  • Using QGIS
  • Using PostgreSQL/PostGIS
  • Reading from web services
  • Publishing data as web services
  • Creating a web map in GeoServer

Intended Audience: Anyone interested in free and open-source geographic information system software. The workshop will suit both managerial and technical needs and it does not require any prerequisites.

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 

Matt Yurman, PMP

Principal, Spatial Focus, Inc.
avatar for Sara Yurman, GISP

Sara Yurman, GISP

Director of Information Services, Spatial Focus, Inc.
Sara Yurman, GISP, is a founding partner in Spatial Focus, a consulting firm specializing in addressing and spatial data.  In that capacity she has worked nationally and internationally, handling projects in locations as diverse as Little Rock, Arkansas, Bandah Aceh, Indonesia and... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT

8:00am EDT

GIS Program Management - Full-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
GIS Program Management - Full-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Peter Croswell, PMP, GISP, CMS, President, Croswell-Schulte IT Consultants, Frankfort, KY
Steve Steinberg, Ph.D., MPA, GISP, Geographic Information Officer, Los Angeles County, CA

This URISA Certified Workshop is designed to provide insights and guidelines for public agency GIS programs. It will examine the various organizational and management issues that program managers must address in order to develop and manage a successful GIS program.
The course material will cover all aspects of GIS project and on-going program management including such areas as:
  • strategic and implementation planning
  • budgeting and financial management
  • business case development and cost-benefit evaluation
  • team building and human resources
  • product/service procurement and vendor/contract management
  • key technical management concerns and
  • important legal and policy issues for GIS project and program management

The workshop will focus on practical issues and challenges faced by GIS managers. It includes examples from actual GIS implementations and students will receive access to a variety of supplemental digital references and templates useful for GIS planning and management. The workshop will include a number of short demonstrations and group exercises focusing on GIS management challenges. The workshop is structured to encourage interaction and provide opportunities for attendees to share their ideas and experiences.

This workshop is most appropriate for the following types of people:
a. current GIS management personnel seeking to polish their skills and examine approaches to management challenges
b. GIS or IT users and technical staff who are moving into management roles
c. IT management personnel who are becoming more involved with GIS program management or oversight

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for Peter Croswell, PMP, GISP, CMS

Peter Croswell, PMP, GISP, CMS

President, Croswell-Schulte IT Consultants
Mr. Croswell is the President and lead consultant of Croswell-Schulte Information Technology Consultants. He is an expert in information technology and GIS implementation and management with over 40 years experience as an IT and GIS practitioner, program manager, and an IT/GIS consultant... Read More →
avatar for Steven Steinberg, Ph.D., MPA, GISP

Steven Steinberg, Ph.D., MPA, GISP

Geographic Information Officer, Los Angeles County
Dr. Steinberg serves as the Geospatial Information Officer for the County of Los Angeles California where he works across 40 county departments to develop and implement geospatial strategy with a team of highly skilled GIS professionals. He has researched and presented extensively... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT

8:00am EDT

Practical Ethics for GIS Professionals - Full-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Practical Ethics for GIS Professionals - Full-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Instructors: Rebecca Somers, GISP, President, Somers St Claire GIS Management Consultants, Fairfax, VA
David DiBiase, GISP, Adjunct Instructor, Penn State Online Geospatial Programs,  Yucaipa CA 

Every GIS Professional needs a solid understanding of ethics related to GIS work, and the ability to recognize and successfully solve challenging ethics situations. This workshop will help GIS Professionals understand the foundations of ethics, revisit the 20-year-old GIS Code of Ethics, and hone their ethical problem-solving skills.

The workshop is highly participative, focusing on:
• The GIS Code of Ethics and how it fits into larger ethical frameworks
• Framework for ethical decision making
• Individual ethics case analysis
• Group ethics case analysis
• GIS ethics issues
• Review and evaluation of the GIS Code of Ethics
• Ethics resources that would be useful for GIS Professionals

Learning Benefits:
• Learn how to recognize and solve challenging GIS Ethics situations
• Gain experience applying a framework for ethical decision making and using other resources to help respond with insight, empathy, and integrity to ethical challenges encountered in geospatial work.
• Evaluate the adequacy of the 2003 GIS Code of Ethics in light of issues arising more recently in geospatial practice.
• Be prepared to adapt, supplement and use resources to apply ethics in their own work and promote ethics within their own organizations.

The work involves reference to many case studies, exercise materials, and reference materials, so participants should bring their own computers for access to this material.

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for Rebecca Somers, GISP

Rebecca Somers, GISP

President, Somers St Claire GIS Management Consultants
Rebecca is a GIS Management Consultant specializing in GIS management, program review, and strategy development.  A GIS leader for more than 25 years, she has helped dozens of organizations successfully develop their GIS programs-both as an in-house GIS manager and as a consultant... Read More →
avatar for David DiBiase, GISP

David DiBiase, GISP

Adjunct Instructor, Penn State Online Geospatial Programs
David teaches professional ethics for Penn State's Online Geospatial Education Programs. He served as a member of URISA's Board of Directors from 2009-2012, and as GISCI President 2010-2011. David led the NSF-funded GIS Professional Ethics Project from 2007-2009, and continues to... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT

10:00am EDT

Coffee Break
Monday October 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am EDT
Monday October 7, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am EDT
State of Maine Hallway

1:00pm EDT

Strategies for Leveling Up Your Success - Half-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Strategies for Leveling Up Your Success - Half-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Dr. Shelia Lakshmi Steinberg, Director of UMass Global Institute for Geospatial Education, Irvine, CA
Sid Pandey, GIS Senior Consultant, Deloitte, Vienna, VA

The successful GIS professional navigates a variety of environments and groups throughout their career. Being successful requires regular assessments of your strengths and weaknesses and using that information to maximize existing skills and level up the areas that can be improved.

This workshop will provide hands on applications to both identify and strengthen one’s individual skills. Through hands on activities participants will explore the relationship between the individual and the larger group. Strategies will be provided for navigating how to first identify your skills and then how to apply these skills for success. We will also explore the definition of what it means to be successful. A major part of success is the ability to plug into different groups including the workplace, professional societies, and people external to your area of expertise. The two-way nature of mentorship will also be explored.

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for Dr. Shelia Lakshmi Steinberg

Dr. Shelia Lakshmi Steinberg

Director and Professor, UMass Global
Dr. Sheila Lakshmi Steinberg is Faculty Assembly President and Full Professor of GIS, Social and Environmental Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Global. She is President Elect for URISA California. Dr. Steinberg is an accomplished author who has published a variety of books... Read More →
avatar for Sid Pandey

Sid Pandey

GIS Senior Consultant, Deloitte
Sid is a Senior Geospatial Consultant within Deloitte's Location Intelligence Practice. He possesses extensive experience helping organizations leverage geospatial technology to analyze, collect, manage, and visualize data to make informed decisions. He regularly works with interdisciplinary... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Rhode Island

1:00pm EDT

Urban Extreme Heat Mapping for Climate and Community Resilience - Half-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Urban Extreme Heat Mapping for Climate and Community Resilience - Half-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Michael Gould, PhD., Education Manager, Esri and Professor at University Jaume I (Spain)
Teresa Townsend, AICP, Chief Executive Officer, Planning Communities

This half-day workshop will provide participants with hands-on experience in GIS workflows for identifying and analyzing urban extreme heat using local community datasets. Where does extreme heat occur, how does tree cover affect heat, and who are the vulnerable populations affected?

This is the first step in a medium-term project to train university students, GIS professionals, and urban planners/designers (both key stakeholders in a city) in a set of simple, consistent heat index mapping workflows.

Learning Objectives:
  • Sourcing geospatial data
  • Online GIS (everything is done using ArcGIS Online)
  • Basic image processing
  • Population data basics
  • Creation of a Composite Index
  • Cartographic techniques
  • Publication of the results
  • Storytelling (StoryMaps)- optional

Participants will work in a group setting. Bring your own laptop, and ArcGIS Online licenses will be provided for the workshop exercises.

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for Michael Gould

Michael Gould

Global Educational Manager/Professor, Esri
avatar for Teresa Townsend, AICP

Teresa Townsend, AICP

CEO, Planning Communities
Teresa is a founding partner and Chief Executive Officer of Planning Communities, an urban planning and environmental socially-responsible B-Corp Certified firm, and has been a leader in integrating geospatial sciences in community, transportation and environmental planning for more... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Coffee Break
Monday October 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Monday October 7, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
State of Maine Hallway

4:00pm EDT

Committee Meeting Room
Monday October 7, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Monday October 7, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

5:15pm EDT

Speed Networking Event: Meet, Celebrate, Connect!
Monday October 7, 2024 5:15pm - 6:00pm EDT
Whether this is your first or 40th URISA conference, attend this informal networking event to meet some new people, celebrate mutual interests, and connect!

Monday October 7, 2024 5:15pm - 6:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Esri User Group Meeting: Hospitality and Insights
Monday October 7, 2024 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
Learn about what's coming from Esri leaders during this User Group Meeting. Enjoy some hospitality, and meet with fellow users before heading out to enjoy the evening!

Monday October 7, 2024 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
New Hampshire

7:00pm EDT

GIS-Pro Young Professionals' Networking Event at $3 Dewey's
Monday October 7, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Always a great time. This informal meet up, hosted by URISA's Vanguard Cabinet, is networking at its finest!
Take advantage of this time to connect with your peers - colleagues who will become lifelong professional friends.

Head to $3 Dewey's (241 COMMERCIAL STREET) - a short walk from the hotel for an evening of camaraderie and connections!
avatar for Sara Thompson

Sara Thompson

GIS Manager, Arizona Department of Transportation
avatar for Jordan Carmona, GISP

Jordan Carmona, GISP

Senior Geospatial Development Engineer, H-E-B
avatar for Ethan McGhee

Ethan McGhee

Systems Application Specialist, City of San Luis Obispo
avatar for Hannah Walters

Hannah Walters

GIS Analyst, Denver Water
Hannah Walters is a GIS Analyst for Denver Water in Colorado, where her focus is in GIS applications for watershed analysis. She is on the Vanguard Cabinet and serves as the Outreach Coordinator for the Rocky Mountain chapter of URISA. Hannah graduated from the University of Colorado... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Tuesday, October 8

7:30am EDT

Tuesday October 8, 2024 7:30am - 5:00pm EDT
Tuesday October 8, 2024 7:30am - 5:00pm EDT

7:45am EDT

Donuts & Coffee: Morning Networking Walk with the Vanguard Cabinet
Tuesday October 8, 2024 7:45am - 8:45am EDT
Kick off your day with a morning walk to donuts and coffee, hosted by the Vanguard Cabinet! Join us in the hotel lobby by 7:45 AM for a leisurely 12-minute (0.5 mile) stroll to The Holy Donut. This is the perfect chance to enjoy some informal networking before the opening session begins. Don’t miss out on this sweet start to your day!

Tuesday October 8, 2024 7:45am - 8:45am EDT

8:00am EDT

Coffee Break in Foyer
Tuesday October 8, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Tuesday October 8, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

URISA Past Presidents’ Breakfast Meeting
Tuesday October 8, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Opportunity for URISA's past presidents to connect and be updated on URISA strategies and plans. This gathering is for URISA past presidents only.

Tuesday October 8, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

9:00am EDT

GIS-Pro 2024: Super-Sized Opening Session
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT

Welcome to GIS-Pro 2024 and our super-sized opening session!
Hear from conference and URISA leadership about the not-to-miss highlights of the coming days.
Take every opportunity to celebrate the community, make connections, and share your thoughts and ideas with your fellow attendees. Don't pass up the chance to expand your professional support system this week!

Climate Resilience & GIS
Our opening keynote will focus on something we are all concerned with, particularly in coastal areas like Portland, Maine: Climate Change and Community Resilience. This session will be a discussion of the uses of GIS as a tool in Climate Resilience and Adaptation activities. The panelists represent a variety of organizations all working to define, prepare, and assist communities in their work to understand the issues facing them and to develop policies, actions, and responses to the changes ahead. GIS has become an important tool to bring together the disparate data, policies, agencies, and communities involved in these processes. The panel will discuss their work and thoughts on how GIS can and will be used as we move forward.

Jamie Carter, Northeast Region Geospatial Coordinator, NOAA, Portland, ME
Eileen Johnson, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Studies, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Tora Johnson, Co-Director, Sustainable Prosperity Initiative, Sunrise Economic Council, Machias, ME
David Reidmiller, Director, Climate Center, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland, ME

Why You Should Care About the NSDI
We'll follow that with an important discussion about the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), how local government can participate in the NSDI and its role in supporting local government. Emphasizing the critical importance of local data, the panel will discuss the role of local data to the NSDI, collaborative strategies for advancing the NSDI, the role of standards, and the way ahead for local governments and the NSDI.
Broad stakeholder involvement is crucial for defining roles, responsibilities, authoritative data content, and governance structures. Attendees will be challenged to actively engage and contribute to the conversation furthering the development and implementation of the NSDI. Local Governments can aid FGDC in determining the specific themes where local governments are the primary data developers and discuss how they interact with their state data stewards. By sharing insights, best practices, and opportunities for participation, the panel aims to advance a collaborative approach to implementing the NSDI that enhances urban planning, disaster response, resource management, and public services. Join us to play a part in shaping a more connected and data-driven future for the Nation.

Josh Delmonico, Executive Director, Federal Geographic Data Committee, Reston, Virginia
Lynn Dupont, Lynn Dupont, GISP, ASLA, GIS Manager/Principal Planner, New Orleans Regional Planning Commission, New Orleans, Louisiana
Curtis Pulford, Manager - Enterprise Geographic Information System, City of Phoenix, Arizona

avatar for Thomas Fisher, AICP, GISP

Thomas Fisher, AICP, GISP

Enterprise Geospatial Technologies Administrator, Cuyahoga County
With over 29 years in the field of GIS, Tom Fisher is currently the Enterprise Geospatial Technologies Administrator for the County of Cuyahoga in Ohio. He leads a staff of five GIS professionals in the County’s Department of Information Technology. Mr. Fisher will assume the presidency... Read More →
avatar for Pravin Mathur, GISP

Pravin Mathur, GISP

Consultant, Climatebase
Pravin Mathur is an Independent Consultant . He is a Past President of Chesapeake URISA and serves on the Advisory Board of Virginia's Geographic Information Network (VGIN).Till recently he was leading as the Senior Program Manager for the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level... Read More →
avatar for Kara Utter

Kara Utter

GIS Consultant and Owner, Dynamic Visions GIS
GIS Consultant and owner of Dynamic Visions GIS. With over 10 years of experience in GIS, I have worked with local, state, and federal government entities, as well as the nonprofit and private sectors. I spent the last five years building and coordinating a County-level GIS program... Read More →
avatar for Jamie Carter

Jamie Carter

Northeast Region Geospatial Coordinator, NOAA
Jamie Carter is a remote sensing analyst with NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management (OCM) and serves coastal communities primarily in the Northeast Region. He has a bachelor’s degree in Ecology from Tulane University, a master’s degree in Physical Geography from Oregon State... Read More →
avatar for Eileen Johnson

Eileen Johnson

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Studies, Bowdoin College
Eileen Sylvan Johnson is Senior Lecturer in Environmental Studies at Bowdoin College. She teaches environmental social science courses that integrate digital and computational technologies with a particular emphasis on spatial analysis, GIS and remote sensing. Her research focuses... Read More →
avatar for Tora Johnson

Tora Johnson

Co-Director, Sustainable Prosperity Initiative, Sunrise County Economic Council
Tora Johnson joined SCEC in January 2024 as co-director of the Sustainable Prosperity Initiative. A social scientist and geographer, Tora has a master’s degree in human ecology from College of the Atlantic and a PhD in human dimensions of natural resources from the University of... Read More →
avatar for Dave Reidmiller

Dave Reidmiller

Director, Climate Center, Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Dr. Dave Reidmiller is the inaugural Climate Center Director at GMRI. In his role, Dave leads an interdisciplinary team of experts to co-develop climate services with coastal and marine stakeholders. The Climate Center employs a user-centered Science—Engagement—Solutions framework to deliver upon this aim with a view to ensuring coa... Read More →
avatar for Lynn Dupont, GISP, ASLA

Lynn Dupont, GISP, ASLA

Principal Planner, GIS Manager, New Orleans Regional Planning Commission
Nominated by URISA, Lynn Dupont was appointed in 2022 to serve a 3-year term on the NGAC, a US Federal Advisory Committee focused on providing advice and recommendations on national geospatial policy / management issues, the advancement of the US National Spatial Data Infrastructure... Read More →
avatar for Josh Delmonico

Josh Delmonico

Executive Director, Federal Geographic Data Committee
Josh Delmonico has served in various positions leading Geospatial programs for the Department of Defense where his portfolio included architecture, engineering, standards, test and certification, enterprise system development, modeling and simulation, 3D, AR/VR, artificial intelligence... Read More →
avatar for Curtis Pulford

Curtis Pulford

Enterprise GIS Manager, City of Phoenix
Curtis is the Enterprise GIS Manager for City of Phoenix, the fifth-most populous city in the United States. It is also the state capital and largest city in the state at 517.9 square miles. Our metropolitan area is the 11th largest by population in the United States, with approximately... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
State of Maine

11:00am EDT

Grand Opening & Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Casco Bay

12:00pm EDT

Networking Luncheon: Connections, Collaborations and Contributions
Tuesday October 8, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Enjoy a hosted buffet luncheon and quality time with your fellow conference attendees. Talk about mutual areas of expertise and interest and explore opportunities to contribute.

Tuesday October 8, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
State of Maine

1:30pm EDT

Dessert Break in Exhibit Hall
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:00pm EDT
Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30pm - 2:00pm EDT
Casco Bay

2:00pm EDT

The Data Behind the Data
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
These talks will discuss data governance, metadata, and ways to track, assess, and mine more value from the data you already have.
From Policy to Practice: Implementing a Data Governance Program
Kimberly Baillieul, Data Solutions Manager, City of Columbus, Department of Public Service - Columbus, OH 

Marvelous Metadata: A Case Study in Simplifying the Write-Up Process
Amy Roust, GISP, GIS Administrator, City of Lawrence, Lawrence, KS

Visualizing Departmental, Business, and Citizen Use of GIS
Wendy Peloquin, GISP, Business Development Manager, Avineon, Inc, Jacksonville, FL

ArcGIS Dashboard Use for Data and User Governance
Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM, Corporate GIS Manager, Terracon Consulting, Portsmouth, NH
Nate Ward, GISP, Infrastructure Architect II, Terracon Consulting, Portsmouth, NH

avatar for Michelle Fults, GISP

Michelle Fults, GISP

GIS Manager in Geospatial, Virginia DOT
Ms. Fults is currently a Geospatial GIS Section Manager at VDOT in Location and Design Division.  Overall she has 35 years of experience in GIS working with State/Local Government and private industry with concentrations in environmental planning, transportation planning, GIS development... Read More →
avatar for Kimberly Baillieul

Kimberly Baillieul

Data Solutions Manager, City of Columbus, Department of Public Service
avatar for Amy Roust, GISP

Amy Roust, GISP

GIS Administrator, City of Lawrence
Amy Roust is the IT GIS Administrator for the City of Lawrence, Kansas. She loves applying geospatial technology to simplify workflows as well as sharing knowledge by teaching and presenting. Her recognitions include awards from Esri (2021 SAG Award), the Mid America GIS Consortium... Read More →
avatar for Wendy Peloquin, GISP

Wendy Peloquin, GISP

Business Development Manager, Avineon
Wendy Peloquin, GISP is a Business Development Manager at Avineon with over 15 years of industry experience. She earned a B.S. in Geography and a Certificate in GIS from UGA and a Masters degree in GIS Administration from the UWF.  Wendy is an active member of URISA International... Read More →
avatar for Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM

Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM

Corporate GIS Manager, Terracon
Brett is the Corporate GIS Manager for Terracon Consulting Engineers and has worked in the GIS field for over 2 decades. His duties include the management of GIS analysis, geohazard mapping, web and mobile mapping projects, & company GIS support. Brett is also a retired police officer... Read More →
avatar for Nate Ward

Nate Ward

Infrastructure Architect II, Terracon
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Doing More with Automation in Engineering and Utilities
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Leverage ArcGIS, Python, JavaScript, SQL and other technologies to automate data processing, integrating imagery/LiDAR, systems conversion, and testing to streamline management and enhance safety. The USGS 3D Hydrography Program will also be discussed.

USGS 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP): A New Model for the Nation’s Hydrography
Adam Benthem, National Map Liaison, US Geological Survey, Pembroke, NH

​Growing Pains: A Case Study of Migrating the Flood Map Desktop to ArcGIS Pro
Wanja Waweru, GIS Project Coordinator, The Polis Center, Indianapolis, IN

​Data Management in a Non-profit Organization Using a GIS Enterprise: Creating Tools for Understanding Feature Layer Utilization
Nathan Holman, GIS Administrator and Antonio (Ka Kit) Liu, GISP, GIS Solutions Developer, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA

Mixing Python with SQL
Jason Wise, GISP, Software Architect, Terracon, Portland, Maine

avatar for Dan Bellissemo

Dan Bellissemo

Director of LiDAR & Remote Sensing, GIS Surveyors
Dan Bellissemo is Director of Lidar and Remote Sensing at GIS Surveyors Inc. He is a results-oriented project management professional with more than 30 years of demonstrated ability in Lidar, geospatial solutions development, team management, and product development. Dan’s work... Read More →

Adam Benthem

National Map Liaison, U.S. Geological Survey
avatar for Wanja Waweru

Wanja Waweru

GIS Project Coordinator, The Polis Center
avatar for Nathan Holman

Nathan Holman

GIS Administrator, American Cancer Society

Antonio Liu, GISP

GIS Solutions Developer, American Cancer Society
health2 co
avatar for Jason Wise, GISP

Jason Wise, GISP

Software Architect, Terracon
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Connecticut/Rhode Island

2:00pm EDT

Navigating GIS Education Throughout the GIS Career
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Education is key as we navigate our education as a foundation for our GIS Career. Continued Education is also a large part of what we do, especially when considering certification for the GISP. Join us in this session to empower yourselves in a profession that values education from the time you are a student and throughout your career.

Empowering HBCU Students in Tennessee with GIS & Community Mapping Skills
Kirstyn George, Health Career Pathway Program Manager, Meharry Medical College
Wansoo Im, Ph.D, Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College

Knowing What You Don't Know: Designing an Introductory Course for GIS Professionals
Adrienne Goldsberry, Associate Teaching Professor, Penn State University, Austin, TX

Reexamining the Exam: Towards Applied Project-Based Learning
Adrian Faraguna, M. SC., GISP, Instructor, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary, AB, Canada

An Update on the GISCI: What’s Happening and What’s New
Tony Spicci, CGMP GISP, Executive Director, GIS Certification Institute, Columbia, MO
avatar for Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights, H-E-B
Liz Parrish is the Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights for H-E-B. Liz is passionate about enabling organizations and individuals in achieving success through well-curated geospatial strategies that harness the power of location, data science, and technology to drive business... Read More →
avatar for Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College
avatar for Tony Spicci, CGMP GISP

Tony Spicci, CGMP GISP

Executive Director, GIS Certification Institute
The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) is a nonprofit 501(c)6 organization incorporated in 2002. The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) promotes the advancement of proficient GIS professionals through its international GISP® (Certified GIS Professional) certification program. The... Read More →
avatar for Kirstyn George, MSPH

Kirstyn George, MSPH

Health Career Pathway Program Manager, Meharry Medical College
avatar for Adrienne Goldsberry, M.A.

Adrienne Goldsberry, M.A.

Associate Teaching Professor, Penn State University
avatar for Adrian Faraguna, M. SC., GISP

Adrian Faraguna, M. SC., GISP

Instructor, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

GIS Ethics: Ethical Decision Making, Current Ethics Issues and Activities, and Locus Charter
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
This panel discusses current activities and developments in GIS Ethics, including the GIS Ethics Group’s work on instilling a process for ethical decision making, identifying and addressing current GIS ethics issues, reviewing the GIS Code of Ethics, and providing resources to help GIS Professionals apply ethics in their work and promote ethics in their organizations; as well as a discussion and update on the Locus Charter.

  • Doing Ethics—The Process for Ethical Decision Making.  David DiBiase, GISP.  Penn State Online Geospatial Education Programs.  GIS Ethics Author and Instructor.
  • URISA Ethics Update—Current issues, GIS Code of Ethics Review, and Ethics Resources.  Rebecca Somers, GISP, Somers-St.Claire GIS Management Consultants, GIS Code of Ethics Development Team and Ethics Group Lead.
  • Locus Charter—Discussion and Update.  Greg Babinski, MA, GISP, EthicalGEO Fellow, URISA Past-President, GIS Management Consultant, GIS Management Consulting Services and The GIS Management Academy 

Rebecca Somers, GISP, GIS Management Consultant, Somers-St.Claire GIS Management Consultants, Fairfax, VA 
David DiBiase, GISP, Adjunct Instructor, Penn State Online Geospatial Programs, Yucaipa CA 
Greg Babinski, MA, GISP, EthicalGEO Fellow, URISA Past-President, GIS Management Consultant, GIS Management Consulting Services and The GIS Management Academy - Edmonds, WA

avatar for Dr. Shelia Lakshmi Steinberg

Dr. Shelia Lakshmi Steinberg

Director and Professor, UMass Global
Dr. Sheila Lakshmi Steinberg is Faculty Assembly President and Full Professor of GIS, Social and Environmental Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Global. She is President Elect for URISA California. Dr. Steinberg is an accomplished author who has published a variety of books... Read More →
avatar for David DiBiase, GISP

David DiBiase, GISP

Adjunct Instructor, Penn State Online Geospatial Programs
David teaches professional ethics for Penn State's Online Geospatial Education Programs. He served as a member of URISA's Board of Directors from 2009-2012, and as GISCI President 2010-2011. David led the NSF-funded GIS Professional Ethics Project from 2007-2009, and continues to... Read More →
avatar for Rebecca Somers, GISP

Rebecca Somers, GISP

President, Somers St Claire GIS Management Consultants
Rebecca is a GIS Management Consultant specializing in GIS management, program review, and strategy development.  A GIS leader for more than 25 years, she has helped dozens of organizations successfully develop their GIS programs-both as an in-house GIS manager and as a consultant... Read More →
avatar for Greg Babinski, MA, GISP. EthicalGEO Fellow

Greg Babinski, MA, GISP. EthicalGEO Fellow

URISA Past-President, GIS Management Consultant, GIS Management Consulting Services & The GIS Management Academy
Greg Babinski is a GIS management consultant and founder of GIS Management Consulting Services LLC and the GIS Management Academy, located in the greater Seattle area.Between 1998 and the end of 2021 he served as GIS Manager, GIS Finance Manager and GIS Marketing & Business Development... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
New Hampshire

2:00pm EDT

Esri Hands-On Learning Lab
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Take free self-paced lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Esri's Hands-On Learning Lab will be at GIS-Pro 2024. You can explore a variety of lessons on trending topics that are listed here

Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

URISA GISP Exam Prep Work Group Meeting
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Join us to talk about improving and transforming URISA's GISP Exam Prep materials and offerings as we support geospatial professionals and by doing so promote and grow the profession.
avatar for Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network
Matt Gerike is Geospatial Program Manager for 9-1-1 GIS at the Virginia Geographic Information Network where he supports localities across the commonwealth. He has managed GIS offices and projects in local government, worked with state level GIS clearinghouses and data development... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Extend your GIS Program with Open Source
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
The evolution of workforces and administrative regulations are favoring an increased utilization of Open Source in the workplace for streamlined processing and collaboration. In this session you will be introduced to a large variety of resources, including Spatial PostGIS, Oracle Spatial databases, SQL, GeoNode, Mapstore, GeoServer, and more.

Spatial SQL and You: A PostGIS Primer
Jordan Carmona, GISP, Senior Geospatial Development Engineer, H-E-B

Building Spatial Infrastructures with GeoServer, Mapstore and GeoNode: Experiences from the Trenches
Simone Giannecchini, Director, GeoSolutions, Brooklyn, NY

QGIS Projects: Improving Team Effectiveness
Matthew Yurman, PMP, Principal, Spatial Focus, Inc., Decatur, GA 

A Survey of Open-Source Decision Support GIS Web Applications
Nathan Swain, PhD, Director of Development Services, Aquaveo, LLC, Provo, UT
Shawn Crawley, MS, Software Engineer, Lynker, LLC, Leesburg, VA
avatar for Khalid Mehmood

Khalid Mehmood

GIS Services Leader, EQUS REA LTD.
avatar for Jordan Carmona, GISP

Jordan Carmona, GISP

Senior Geospatial Development Engineer, H-E-B

Matt Yurman, PMP

Principal, Spatial Focus, Inc.
avatar for Simone Giannecchini

Simone Giannecchini

Director, GeoSolutions
Simone Giannecchini (Ing.) is the founder and managing director of GeoSolutions. He is a Charter Member of OSGeo, the Open Source Geospatial foundation. He is also a member of the Steering committee for the GeoTools as well as the GeoServer Open Source projects. Before founding GeoSolutions... Read More →
avatar for Nathan Swain, PhD

Nathan Swain, PhD

Director of Development Services, Aquaveo, LLC
Nathan Swain is the Director of Development Services at Aquaveo specializing in developing web solutions for water resources modeling and hydroinformatics. He completed a Ph.D. at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA with an emphasis on Civil and Environmental Engineering and... Read More →
avatar for Shawn Crawley, MS

Shawn Crawley, MS

Software Engineer, Lynker, LLC
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

GIS as a Tool for Change
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
There are many ways to implement change in the world.  This set of talks addresses using GIS, collaboration, and GIS Corps to enhance employment, train young people, develop guidance on Social Risk, Resilience, and Vulnerability Indices. This session will help provide insights for critical considerations to help make GIS more equitable relative to its ability to impact change.

Guidance on Social Risk, Resilience, and Vulnerability Indices Web Application, a collaboration between URISA and NAPSG with support from GISCorps
Emilie Pratt, GIS Analyst/URISA GISCorps Volunteer, NAPSG Foundation, Kearneysville, WV

Brain & Body Maps: Understanding Neuroscience as Key Tool for Creating Powerful and Effective Change
Kathryn Brewer, GISP, IT Project Director, Spatial Relationships, Boston, MA

Leveraging GIS for Enhancing Employment Growth Allocation
Xuanye Zuo, Associate Modeler, and Ying Zhou, Modeling Supervisor, SCAG - Los Angeles, CA

Incorporating an Equity Lens in GIS: Key Concepts for Addressing Community Engagement and Racial Disparities
Clinton G Johnson, CEO/Chief Visionary Officer, Us@Spaces, Philadelphia, PA

avatar for Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Senior Research Associate, Cleveland State University
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP is an applied urban geographer and demographer and has more than 40 years of experience in data management, dissemination, and analysis. He has been active in providing and analyzing data and has conducted studies in urban migration, poverty, housing, voting... Read More →
avatar for Emilie Pratt

Emilie Pratt

GIS Analyst/URISA GISCorps Volunteer, NAPSG Foundation
Emilie Pratt is a dedicated GIS professional with extensive experience in emergency response and geospatial analysis. Currently contributing to URISA’s GISCorps, Emilie has played a pivotal role in disaster response efforts, including assisting GISCorps PhotoMappers during hurricanes... Read More →
avatar for Kathryn Brewer, GISP

Kathryn Brewer, GISP

IT Project Director, Spatial Relationships
Kathryn Brewer (she/her) has over 25 years of leading change in the geospatial technology field. She recently served on the URISA Board of Directors and was Board Liaison to the Pro-Equity and Anti-Racism Committee.While still working diligently in the geospatial technology field... Read More →
avatar for Xuanye Zuo

Xuanye Zuo

Associate Modeler, SCAG

Ying Zhou

Modeling Supervisor, SCAG
avatar for Clinton G Johnson

Clinton G Johnson

CEO/Chief Visionary Officer, Us@Spaces
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

3:30pm EDT

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall
Tuesday October 8, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Tuesday October 8, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Casco Bay

4:00pm EDT

Developing and Managing Data for 3D and Indoors
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Collecting, managing, and using indoor mapping and 3D data are hot topics in geospatial technology for the advantages they provide for identifying, finding, contextualizing, and maintaining facilities and indoor locations. These presentations provide considerations and case studies in this emerging area.
Is your data ready for 3D?
Tripp Corbin, GISP, GIS and Aerial Business Development Manager, Surveying and Mapping, LLC. (SAM), McDonough, GA
Indoor Location Data for Safety and Security
Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP, Product Manager/GIS Content, GeoComm, Indianapolis, IN
Creating a Vertical Asset Inventory for Facilities Maintenance
John Nolte, GISP, GIS Manager, Denver Water, Denver, CO
avatar for Elthron M. Anderson, GISP

Elthron M. Anderson, GISP

Geospatial Technology and Infrastructure Asset Manager, Southgate Water and Sanitation Districts
Elthron is currently the Geospatial Technology and Infrastructure Asset Manager for Southgate Water and Sanitation Districts. He oversees technology applications and performs varying roles in support of the goals of Asset Management. Elthron has held various positions on the RM-URISA... Read More →
avatar for Tripp Corbin, GISP

Tripp Corbin, GISP

GIS and Aerial Business Development Manager, Surveying and Mapping, LLC. (SAM)
Tripp Corbin is Business Development Manager for GIS and Aerial Services at Surveying & Mapping (SAM). He is an award-winning Certified Trainer with over twenty-five years of experience orchestrating and managing geospatial projects. He is recognized as an industry expert with a variety... Read More →
avatar for Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP

Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP

Product Manager - Public Safety GIS Content, GeoComm
Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP is a Product Manager for Public Safety GIS Content and Mapping with GeoComm.  Keri has over 27 years of GIS experience as a consultant, trainer, and product manager with focus in providing solutions to local, state, and federal governments, especially in the... Read More →
avatar for John Nolte, GISP

John Nolte, GISP

GIS Manager, Denver Water
John M. Nolte, GISP is the GIS Manager of Denver Water's Administrative Services GIS. He has been in the industry for nearly 30 years and has worked in various positions. He is a board member of URISA International and an instructor for the GIS Leadership Academy. He lives in Denver... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
New Hampshire

4:00pm EDT

GIS Strengthening Community and Economies
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
This session focuses on examples and illustrations of how GIS is used to focus on economic issues across communities and landscapes.
A Climate Change and Resiliency Perspective on an Ever - Changing Coastal Landscape; The City of Portland Maine
Kevin Deneault, M.S., GIS Mapping Specialist, City of Portland, Portland, ME

Rainy Day Fund: Why American Cities and Towns Need High Accuracy Planimetric Mapping
Lucia Woo, Technical and Business Development Manager, Fugro, Frederick, MD
avatar for Kim McDonough

Kim McDonough

URISA Past President, Retired
avatar for Kevin Deneault, M.S.

Kevin Deneault, M.S.

GIS Mapping Specialist, City of Portland, Maine
avatar for Lucia Woo

Lucia Woo

Technical and Business Development Manager, Fugro
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Data Governance in Action
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
This session offers a comprehensive look at how robust data governance frameworks can support diverse programs. From implementing SWOT Analysis as a part of strategic planning, to transportation applications, workflows, branding, and visualization.

Stating the Obvious: Lessons Learned from Conducting a Data & Technology SWOT Analysis
Kimberly Baillieul, Data Solutions Manager, City of Columbus, Department of Public Service - Columbus, OH 
Enhancing Transportation Application Workflows, Branding Strategies, and Self-Service Mapping
Sara Thompson, Geospatial Analysis Section Manager, Arizona Department of Transportation - Phoenix, AZ
Tom Brenneman, GISP, CTO, Cultivate Geospatial Solutions - Indianapolis, IN

Enhancing Statewide Transportation Data, Visualization, and Analyses
Ashley Hitt, GISP, PMP, Senior Vice President of Program Management, Cultivate Geospatial Solutions - Indianapolis, IN
Katy Lewis, Data Administration Manager, Ohio Department of Transportation, Columbus, OH
avatar for Khalid Mehmood

Khalid Mehmood

GIS Services Leader, EQUS REA LTD.
avatar for Kimberly Baillieul

Kimberly Baillieul

Data Solutions Manager, City of Columbus, Department of Public Service
avatar for Sara Thompson

Sara Thompson

GIS Manager, Arizona Department of Transportation
avatar for Ashley Hitt, GISP, PMP

Ashley Hitt, GISP, PMP

Senior Vice President of Program Management, Cultivate Geospatial Solutions
Ashley Hitt helps government agencies and private firms execute successful GIS/geospatial projects and software development using PMI (Project Management Institute) principles to manage planning, production, deliverables, project teams, budget, quality control, reporting, and all... Read More →
avatar for Tom Brenneman, GISP

Tom Brenneman, GISP

CTO, Cultivate Geospatial Solutions
Mr. Brenneman is the Cultivate Geospatial Solution’s (CGS) Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and software development team leader. Mr. Brenneman is a passionate GIS client advocate evidentiary through decades of real-world successes. Serving customers in the role of Instructor, Author... Read More →
avatar for Katy Lewis

Katy Lewis

Data Administration Manager, Ohio Department of Transportation
Katy works for the Ohio Department of Transportation in the Office of Data Governance as a GIS Data Administration.   She has earned a B.S. in Geography from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia and an M.S. in GIS from the University of Leicester in Leicester, England... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Creating Designs and Tools to Enhance User Engagement
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Learn how to improve the user experience, create custom tools to streamline feature layer usage, and migrate flood maps to ArcGIS Pro.
Utility Network Rules Validation Form
Euclides Paulo, GIS Coordinator, Rhode Island Energy, Providence, RI
Automating Everything with FME, ArcGIS, and Python
Paul Morris, GISP, Data Solutions Engineer, Terracon Consultants, Inc., Greenland, NH
Georgia Transmission Corporation Project Case Study: Using GIS and Digital Twin data to improve safety and time efficiencies for Transmission Line and Substation Modeling
Laura Suber, GISP, Southeast Geomatics Manager, Merrick & Company, Tucker, GA
avatar for Michelle Fults, GISP

Michelle Fults, GISP

GIS Manager in Geospatial, Virginia DOT
Ms. Fults is currently a Geospatial GIS Section Manager at VDOT in Location and Design Division.  Overall she has 35 years of experience in GIS working with State/Local Government and private industry with concentrations in environmental planning, transportation planning, GIS development... Read More →
avatar for Euclides Paulo

Euclides Paulo

GIS Coordinator, Rhode Island Energy
avatar for Paul Morris, GISP

Paul Morris, GISP

Data Solutions Engineer, Terracon Consultants, Inc.
avatar for Laura Suber, GISP

Laura Suber, GISP

Southeast Geomatics Manager, Merrick & Company
Laura Suber is the Southeast Geomatics Manager at Merrick & Co. This role involves management of GIS, Survey, Lidar, and Aerial Photography projects throughout the Southeastern United States. Laura has significant experience in leading transmission line siting and routing projects... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Connecticut/Rhode Island

4:00pm EDT

Level Up Your GIS: Strategies for Growth, Problem-Solving, and Success
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Feeling stuck in your GIS workflow? This session will equip you with tools and strategies to propel your GIS program forward. Learn about frameworks to methodically develop a robust GIS program, even with limited resources. Discover practical techniques to effectively identify and tackle complex GIS problems with approaches to develop a compelling strategic roadmap.
Building Your GIS: How to Progress from Crawling to Flying
Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP, Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights, H-E-B, Dallas, TX
Finding Solutions for GIS Leaders
Tim Nolan, GISP, CGCIO, LAVM, Senior IT Manager, Collin County, McKinney, TX
Rachel Marquez, GISP, PMP, GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles, Downey, CA
Geospatial Strategic Planning in a Time of Organizational Change: The Chesapeake Bay Experience
John Wolf, GIS Team Leader, USGS - Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD
avatar for Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP

Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP

Information Technology Specialist, California Highway Patrol
Christina is the GIS Data Lead at the California Highway Patrol (CHP). She manages the computer aided dispatch system spatial data and the Enterprise system for CHP, increasing the use of spatial data analytics through dashboards and maps to coordinate efficient public safety intelligence... Read More →
avatar for Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights, H-E-B
Liz Parrish is the Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights for H-E-B. Liz is passionate about enabling organizations and individuals in achieving success through well-curated geospatial strategies that harness the power of location, data science, and technology to drive business... Read More →
avatar for Tim Nolan, GISP, CGCIO, LAVM


Senior Applications Manager, Collin County
Tim has more than 30 years of experience as a leader, speaker, and Lean and Agile practitioner. As a Technologist with executive and hands-on experience in Information Technology (IT), Records Management, and GIS for local government/municipal technology initiatives, Tim has created... Read More →
avatar for John Wolf

John Wolf

GIS Team Leader, USGS - Chesapeake Bay Program
John is the Geographic Information Systems Team Leader for the Chesapeake Bay Program in Annapolis, Maryland. He is responsible for planning, coordinating, developing and applying GIS and data visualization efforts to address Chesapeake Bay conservation and restoration issues.
avatar for Rachel Marquez, GISP, PMP

Rachel Marquez, GISP, PMP

GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles-eGIS
Rachel R. Marquez, Countywide Address Management System (CAMS) Program Coordinator for the County of Los Angeles' Enterprise GIS (eGIS) Group. Rachel is passionate about the power of geospatial technology to navigate the interconnected world. From managing complex projects to creating... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Esri Hands-On Learning Lab
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Take free self-paced lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Esri's Hands-On Learning Lab will be at GIS-Pro 2024. You can explore a variety of lessons on trending topics that are listed here

Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Open-Source Data Creation and Quality Assurance
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
This session focuses on the creation of open-source datasets, particularly those that were created through crowdsourcing such as OpenStreetMap layers and census info. The quality assurance that is involved before disseminating these datasets will also be discussed.

A Study on the Quality of OpenStreetMap Road Data in the Contiguous U.S.
Dapeng Li, GISP, Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

Open Source in the U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Partnership Programs Web Applications
Emily Vratarich, Geographer, U.S. Census Bureau, Hillcrest HTS, MD
avatar for Olga Tambazidis

Olga Tambazidis

GIS Tech II, Los Angeles County DMH
avatar for Dapeng Li, GISP

Dapeng Li, GISP

Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
avatar for Emily Vratarich

Emily Vratarich

Geographer, U.S. Census Bureau
Emily Vratarich has worked as a Geographer for seven years with the Geography Division of the Census Bureau. In her role, she coordinates the requirements, stakeholders, development, and production of the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) application. She has worked on... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

5:00pm EDT

GIS-Pro 2024: Exhibitor Showcase and Networking Event
Tuesday October 8, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Visit with our exhibitors and sponsors, enjoy some refreshments, and get the specs you need to bring back to streamline processes and make your GIS exemplary!

Tuesday October 8, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
Casco Bay

7:00pm EDT

GIS-Pro 2024 Mapathon: Mapping for Humanitarian Response & Disaster Relief
Tuesday October 8, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Put your GIS skills to good use at the GIS-Pro 2024 Mapathon. This evening activity will support the many projects of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).

Participants should bring a laptop and have some basic familiarity with OpenStreetMap.

With all of the recent natural disasters, the GIS Community has responded swiftly to project requests, including URISA's GISCorps. Projects for the mapathon may include any number of responses from current disasters impacting the world and as the event nears, we will narrow down the projects we will work on this evening.

Video Tutorial on Adding a Building to OpenStreetMap from Humanitarian OpenStreetMap
Quick Start Guide

A great way to network with your fellow GIS professionals while giving back!
Refreshments will be sponsored.

avatar for Brooke Hatcher

Brooke Hatcher

Geospatial Data Engineer, New Light Technologies
Brooke leads the research and development of remote sensing and geospatial solutions for homeland security and disaster response communities. She has been instrumental in developing AI / ML tools to assess remotely-sensed imagery to detect natural hazards and assess and predict impacts... Read More →

Tuesday October 8, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Connecticut/Rhode Island

7:00pm EDT

Team Challenge: Geo Scavenger Hunt
Tuesday October 8, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Meet before 7 PM at the conference registration desk to break into teams and get instructions.

Wear comfortable shoes as the event will have teams visiting various spots (not too far, as Portland is super-walkable) to collect an envelope with a playing card. At the end, the team with the best hand wins. Should be a beautiful evening outside and also a blast!!
Tuesday October 8, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Wednesday, October 9

7:30am EDT

Wednesday October 9, 2024 7:30am - 5:00pm EDT
Wednesday October 9, 2024 7:30am - 5:00pm EDT

8:00am EDT

Awards Celebration: Breakfast Buffet & Recognition
Wednesday October 9, 2024 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
Enjoy a breakfast buffet and recognize the deserving winners of URISA Service Awards and Exemplary Systems in Government Awards! Celebrate success!
avatar for Thomas Fisher, AICP, GISP

Thomas Fisher, AICP, GISP

Enterprise Geospatial Technologies Administrator, Cuyahoga County
With over 29 years in the field of GIS, Tom Fisher is currently the Enterprise Geospatial Technologies Administrator for the County of Cuyahoga in Ohio. He leads a staff of five GIS professionals in the County’s Department of Information Technology. Mr. Fisher will assume the presidency... Read More →

Wednesday October 9, 2024 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
State of Maine

10:00am EDT

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
Wednesday October 9, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Wednesday October 9, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Casco Bay

11:00am EDT

The Data Beyond the Data
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
This session will focus on how to develop and implement a data governance policy, streamline efforts, and address compliance and ethical data questions.

GIS Data Quality Management Concepts and Practices
Peter Croswell, GISP, PMP, CMS, President and Lead Consultant, Croswell-Schulte Information Technology Consultants, Frankfort, KY

Driving Data Governance through Quality Programs and Organizational Alignment
Courtney Moore, GISP, PMP, GIS Project Manager, ENTRUST Solutions Group, Warrenville, IL
Christy Goulet, Data Governance and Stewardship Professional (DGSP), Sr GIS Consulting Specialist, ENTRUST Solutions Group, Englewood, CO

Automation...the “Easier Button” to Parcel Data Governance
Melissa Alvarez, Senior Solutions Engineer, 1Spatial Inc.

Data Governance at the Architect of the Capitol
Allen Ibaugh, AICP, GISP, CEO, Cultivate Geospatial Solutions, Indianapolis, IN 

Martin Roche, GISP

Vice President-Data Solutions, ENTRUST Solutions Group
avatar for Peter Croswell, PMP, GISP, CMS

Peter Croswell, PMP, GISP, CMS

President, Croswell-Schulte IT Consultants
Mr. Croswell is the President and lead consultant of Croswell-Schulte Information Technology Consultants. He is an expert in information technology and GIS implementation and management with over 40 years experience as an IT and GIS practitioner, program manager, and an IT/GIS consultant... Read More →

Courtney Moore, GISP, PMP

GIS Project Manager, ENTRUST Solutions Group
avatar for Christy Goulet

Christy Goulet

Sr GIS Consulting Specialist, ENTRUST Solutions Group
avatar for Melissa Alvarez

Melissa Alvarez

Senior Solutions Engineer, 1Spatial Inc.
As a Senior Solutions Engineer at 1Spatial, Melissa has hands-on experience with various federal, state, and local government projects focused on building smarter solutions for pervasive data and workflow management challenges. Her involvement in multiple data conflation and integration... Read More →
avatar for Allen Ibaugh, AICP, GISP

Allen Ibaugh, AICP, GISP

CEO, Cultivate Geospatial Solutions
CEO - Cultivate GeospatialPresident - GIS Certification InstitutePast President - URISAInstructor - GLA and AGLA
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT

11:00am EDT

Navigating your Personal Career Map
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Join us for an enlightening discussion that navigates the journey from student life to professional success in the geospatial industry. Our panelists will share their perspectives on how to identify your professional 'True North' and learn how to align it with your personal values; insights into the geospatial job market, helping you identify opportunities and plan strategic career moves; and practical advice on transitioning from a student to a professional.

Don't miss this discussion that promises to equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to chart a successful career path in the geospatial industry.

Mapping out your Career: Finding your True North
Mark Safran, CP, GISP, Senior Program Manager, Dewberry, Doylestown, PA

From Student to Professional
Johnny Harley, GIS Analyst, TREKK Design Group, Fairway, KS
Ethan McGhee, Systems Application Specialist, City of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA

Mapping Your Career: Navigating the Geospatial Job Market
Joseph Livoti, Director, Geospatial Information and Technology, Union County, New Castle, PA
avatar for Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights, H-E-B
Liz Parrish is the Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights for H-E-B. Liz is passionate about enabling organizations and individuals in achieving success through well-curated geospatial strategies that harness the power of location, data science, and technology to drive business... Read More →
avatar for Mark Safran, CP, GISP

Mark Safran, CP, GISP

Senior Program Manager, Dewberry
Geospatial professional with a career from coast to coast.  I am responsible for overseeing remote sensing operations at one of the premier mapping and GIS firms providing topobathymetric lidar and coastal mapping, hydrography (3DHP), topographic lidar (3DEP), and many other GIS... Read More →
avatar for Johnny Harley

Johnny Harley

GIS Analyst, TREKK Design Group
avatar for Ethan McGhee

Ethan McGhee

Systems Application Specialist, City of San Luis Obispo
avatar for Joseph Livoti

Joseph Livoti

Director, Geospatial Information and Technology, Union County
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Connecticut/Rhode Island

11:00am EDT

Streamline Your GIS Operations: Collaboration, Managed Services, and Value Stream Mapping
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
The modern GIS landscape demands collaboration across diverse systems and tools. In this session, presentations will share approaches to optimize your GIS workflow. Leave this session equipped with actionable strategies to streamline your operations, enhance collaboration, and deliver results!

Value Stream Mapping and its Application to GIS Workflows
Pravin Mathur, GISP, Henrico, VA

Value Stream Mapping to Understand Your Culture, Processes & Collaborations
Tim Nolan, GISP, CGCIO, LAVM, Senior IT Manager, Collin County, Texas, McKinney, TX
Wendy Peloquin, GISP, LAVM, Business Development Manager, Avineon, St Petersburg, FL
avatar for Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM

Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM

Corporate GIS Manager, Terracon
Brett is the Corporate GIS Manager for Terracon Consulting Engineers and has worked in the GIS field for over 2 decades. His duties include the management of GIS analysis, geohazard mapping, web and mobile mapping projects, & company GIS support. Brett is also a retired police officer... Read More →
avatar for Pravin Mathur, GISP

Pravin Mathur, GISP

Consultant, Climatebase
Pravin Mathur is an Independent Consultant . He is a Past President of Chesapeake URISA and serves on the Advisory Board of Virginia's Geographic Information Network (VGIN).Till recently he was leading as the Senior Program Manager for the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level... Read More →
avatar for Tim Nolan, GISP, CGCIO, LAVM


Senior Applications Manager, Collin County
Tim has more than 30 years of experience as a leader, speaker, and Lean and Agile practitioner. As a Technologist with executive and hands-on experience in Information Technology (IT), Records Management, and GIS for local government/municipal technology initiatives, Tim has created... Read More →
avatar for Wendy Peloquin, GISP

Wendy Peloquin, GISP

Business Development Manager, Avineon
Wendy Peloquin, GISP is a Business Development Manager at Avineon with over 15 years of industry experience. She earned a B.S. in Geography and a Certificate in GIS from UGA and a Masters degree in GIS Administration from the UWF.  Wendy is an active member of URISA International... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT

11:00am EDT

Esri Hands-On Learning Lab
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Take free self-paced lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Esri's Hands-On Learning Lab will be at GIS-Pro 2024. You can explore a variety of lessons on trending topics that are listed here

Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT

11:00am EDT

The Power and Risks of AI: Why and How to Apply AI in Your Organization
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
This session will provide the value and best practices for applying AI and will address risk and impacts through real world case studies. The last portion of this session will be an open Panel discussion with all three presenters, inviting deeper conversation about Artificial Intelligence and GeoAI.

Optimizing Operations & Maintenance: Harnessing the Power of GeoAI
Adam Carnow, AICP, GISP, Public Works Industry Specialist, Esri, Charlotte, NC

Boxing the GeoAI Compass: A Framework for Navigating Risk while Promoting AI/ML Adoption
Dave Cook, GISP, Teaching Faculy/Expert AI and ML Engineer/Founder, University of Maryland/NGA/The Training Data Project, Washington, DC

The Power of AI: Transforming Industries and Shaping the Future
Adam Kersnowski, SVP of Strategic Accounts, Airworks, Boston, MA
A Conversation about GeoAI
Adam Carnow, AICP, GISP, Public Works Industry Specialist, Esri, Charlotte, NC
Dave Cook, GISP, Teaching Faculy/Expert AI and ML Engineer/Founder, University of Maryland/NGA/The Training Data Project, Washington, DC
Adam Kersnowski, SVP of Strategic Accounts, Airworks, Boston, MA

avatar for Elthron M. Anderson, GISP

Elthron M. Anderson, GISP

Geospatial Technology and Infrastructure Asset Manager, Southgate Water and Sanitation Districts
Elthron is currently the Geospatial Technology and Infrastructure Asset Manager for Southgate Water and Sanitation Districts. He oversees technology applications and performs varying roles in support of the goals of Asset Management. Elthron has held various positions on the RM-URISA... Read More →
avatar for Adam Carnow, AICP, GISP

Adam Carnow, AICP, GISP

Public Works Industry Specialist, Esri
Adam Carnow is the Public Works Industry Specialist at Esri. He is a keynote speaker and thought leader. He collaborates with his colleagues, Esri Partners, and customers to lead the successful application of ArcGIS across the public works disciplines. Mr. Carnow has over 30 years... Read More →
avatar for Dave Cook, GISP

Dave Cook, GISP

Founder, The Training Data Project
Hey there! Great to meet you! Please come talk to me about all things data in AI and Geospatial.I am an experienced technology leader with over 25 years of expertise in advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). I currently support AI/ML programs in... Read More →
avatar for Adam Kersnowski

Adam Kersnowski

SVP of Strategic Accounts, AirWorks
AirWorks: Automated aerial analytics for the AEC industryAirWorks was founded in 2017, and spun out of MIT in the summer of 2018. AirWorks’ builds AI-powered software for civil engineering and land surveying professionals to autonomously analyze data from UAVs and other aerial datasets... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
New Hampshire

11:00am EDT

Property & Neighborhoods
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
How do we better understand the trends and changing nature of communities and their neighborhoods relative to key services? This session will focus on fairly estimating the makeup and needs of local areas, with a focus on people, accessibility to health services, proximity to parks, and property values.

Defining Spatial accessibility to hospitals in Jeddah city: A GIS approach
AbdulKader Murad, PhD, Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Application of Spatial Data Analysis for Property Valuation Workflows
Daniel Fasteen, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Tyler Technologies, Rosemount, MN
Local Area Data Estimates when Census Geography Doesn’t Work
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP, Senior Research Associate, Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Alex Dorman, Research Fellow, The Center for Community Solutions, Cleveland, OH

Solving Spatial Problems with Graph Theory
Jeff Wright, Sr Design Technician, ENTRUST Solutions Group, Minneapolis, MN 
avatar for Alex Hepp

Alex Hepp

Director, Assessment, Cyclomedia Technology, Inc.
Imagery. GIS. Assessment. Please consider joining the Conference Committee.
avatar for AbdulKader Murad, PhD

AbdulKader Murad, PhD

Professor, King Abdulaziz University
Abdulkader A. Murad is a Fallow at the Charted Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, FCInstCES, and a member of URISA. Currently, he is a Professor of GIS at King AbdulAziz University, Previous to this, he was is the GIS Advisor for the Vice President for projects in king AbdulAziz... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Fasteen, PhD

Daniel Fasteen, PhD

Senior Research Scientist, Tyler Technologies
Daniel Fasteen, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Scientist with Tyler Technologies.  Since 2010, Daniel has worked various roles in both the private and local government sector as a CAMA manager, product manager, research scientist, and consultant focusing on GIS application, property... Read More →
avatar for Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Senior Research Associate, Cleveland State University
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP is an applied urban geographer and demographer and has more than 40 years of experience in data management, dissemination, and analysis. He has been active in providing and analyzing data and has conducted studies in urban migration, poverty, housing, voting... Read More →
avatar for Alex Dorman

Alex Dorman

Research Fellow, The Center for Community Solutions
Alex Dorman works as a Research Fellow at The Center for Community Solutions, a nonpartisan non-profit think tank in Cleveland, OH. In this capacity, Alex has conducted research and written on a wide array of topics including the changing demographics of Ohio, access to prenatal care... Read More →

Jeff Wright

Sr Design Technician, ENTRUST Solutions Group
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT

11:00am EDT

GIS & Public Health
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
GIS is an important tool in understanding public health. From understanding maternal and child welfare and access to healthcare to mapping socioeconomic factors and historical addressing, these talks all provide us with methods for using GIS within the broader public health sphere. This session will conclude with a panel discussion from all session participants to further explore citizen science, spatial and temporal accuracy, and bridging the gap between data and community.

Making Health Equity Transparent with LA County’s Community Health Profiles
Shannon Julius, GISP, Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles, Downey, CA
Robert Graham, Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles, Downey, CA
Juan Cardenas, GISP, GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles eGIS, Downey, CA

Pushing the Boundaries of Esri’s Geocoder: Historical Geocoding
Cassandra (Cassie) Sanford, GIS Specialist, UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research, Madison, WI
Nyla Thursday, GIS Specialist,  UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research, Madison, WI

Beyond the Classroom: GIS and Community Engagement at Meharry Medical College
Wansoo Im, Ph.D, Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College


Pamela Harris

Natural Resource Planner, Maryland Department of the Environment
avatar for Shannon Julius, GISP

Shannon Julius, GISP

Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles
Shannon has been working as a GIS professional for Cities in Los Angeles County since 2014 and for Los Angeles County since 2021. She has an M.S. in GISci from Cal State Long Beach and a B.A. in Environmental Analysis from Pitzer College. Her current hobbies are hiking, board games... Read More →
avatar for Robert Graham, GISP

Robert Graham, GISP

GIS Specialist, County of Los Angeles
Rob is a GIS programmer and data architect working with Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS.  He is committed to GIS technology as a tool to improve human conditions and build community power, and has worked with a variety of public interest groups to develop engaging data and mapping... Read More →
avatar for Juan Cardenas, GISP

Juan Cardenas, GISP

GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles
GIS Analyst at Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS
avatar for Cassie Sanford

Cassie Sanford

GIS Specialist, UW-Madison's Center for Health Disparities Research
Cassie Sanford is a GIS Specialist at the University of Wisconsin - Madison's Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR). At CHDR, Cassie and her coworker Nyla have pioneered new ways in historical geocoding. They have created new datasets using historical census data to support... Read More →
avatar for Nyla Thursday

Nyla Thursday

GIS Specialist, UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research
Nyla is an enthusiastic GIS and cartography teacher and life long learner. She loves finding brand new ways to solve tangled messes of problems, learning endlessly from her peers, and teaching anyone that is interested. In her work at the Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR... Read More →
avatar for Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT

12:30pm EDT

NEURISA Annual Member Meeting
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm EDT
Are you a member of the New England Chapter of URISA? Attend this lunch meeting to discuss chapter activities and goals. If you're not a member and wish to learn more - you are also welcome! 

Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm EDT

12:30pm EDT

Lunch on your own: Fuel Up
Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:30pm - 2:00pm EDT
Lots of spots close by to grab lunch and head back for more conversation with our amazing sponsors and exhibitors. 

Wednesday October 9, 2024 12:30pm - 2:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Coastal Climate Resilience & Flooding
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
The presentations in this session focus on coastal climate resilience and flooding.

Using GIS for Climate Resilience Planning and Action
Michael Gould, PhD., Global Education Manager, Esri, Redlands, CA

Urban Flood Detection Project: Simple Data for a Complex Problem
Casey Conrad, GIS Analyst, City of Charleston, Hanahan, SC

Harnessing Aerial Imagery and Digital Twins for Climate Resilience: Strategies for the GIS Community
Joe Oddi, Director of Partner Strategies, Government, EagleView, Rochester, NY
avatar for Judy Colby-George, GISP

Judy Colby-George, GISP

Principal, VIEWSHED
Judy is the owner of Viewshed, which is made up of Spatial Alternatives, GIS Consulting and tjd&a, Landscape Architects and Planners.  She has worked with municipal governments, regional planning agencies, and state governments in New England for over 25 years.  Judy has extensive... Read More →
avatar for Michael Gould

Michael Gould

Global Educational Manager/Professor, Esri
avatar for Casey Conrad

Casey Conrad

GIS Analyst, City of Charleston
avatar for Joe Oddi

Joe Oddi

Director of Partner Strategies, Government, EagleView
Joe Oddi is the Director of Partner Strategies at EagleView. He's been with the company for 10 years and currently manages EagleView's vast network of strategic and software integration partners.Residing in Denver, Colorado, Joe is a proud father of two energetic boys, aged 6 and... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

The Data You Know and the Data You Don't
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Data can be anything and anywhere. In this session you will learn about location data collected by Google, how to get the most out of Census data and how you can introduce drone data into your workflows.

What Location Data Does Google Have on You?
Paul Morris, GISP, Data Solutions Engineer, Terracon Consultants, Inc., Greenland, NH

Unlocking Census Data within data.census.gov
Noemi Mendez, Data Dissemination Specialist, U.S. Census Bureau, Suitland, MD
Cleared for Takeoff: Introducing Drones into your Geospatial Workflows
Brent Pierce, Product Engineering Lead - ArcGIS Flight, Esri, Portland, ME
avatar for John Nolte, GISP

John Nolte, GISP

GIS Manager, Denver Water
John M. Nolte, GISP is the GIS Manager of Denver Water's Administrative Services GIS. He has been in the industry for nearly 30 years and has worked in various positions. He is a board member of URISA International and an instructor for the GIS Leadership Academy. He lives in Denver... Read More →
avatar for Paul Morris, GISP

Paul Morris, GISP

Data Solutions Engineer, Terracon Consultants, Inc.
avatar for Noemi Mendez

Noemi Mendez

Data Dissemination Specialist, U. S. Census Bureau
Noemi Mendez is a Data Dissemination Specialist at the Census Bureau’s Center for Enterprise Dissemination (CED).  During her 21 years at the Census Bureau, she has held positions in the Geography, Field, and Communications Divisions. Currently she is responsible for developing... Read More →
avatar for Brent Pierce

Brent Pierce

Product Engineering Lead - ArcGIS Flight, Esri
Brent Pierce has 20 years experience in the GIS industry with the last 17 being spent at Esri. He has worked with a number of teams and is currently working as a Product Engineer for the team building the Field Maps solution.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Guiding Geospatial Growth – Tips and Tricks to Unleash your Full Potential
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
This session aims to navigate the dynamic landscape of the geospatial industry, focusing on how to drive growth through insights, strategies, and practical tips. This includes an informative presentation from an organization whose mission is to propel young adults into long-term living wage careers that put them on the path for stability.

Guiding Geospatial Growth: Unlocking Career Potential through Mentorship Mapping Success: The Power of Mentorship in GIS
Ethan McGhee, Systems Application Specialist GIS, City of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA
Hannah Walters, GIS Analyst, Denver Water, Denver, CO

How to Get the Most Out of Esri Young Professionals Network
Rosemary Boone, Senior Industry Marketing Manager, Esri - Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Harnessing the Analytical Capabilities of GIS to Drive Meaningful Change
Luis Oliveri, Director of GIS, Hopeworks, Camden, NJ
avatar for Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights, H-E-B
Liz Parrish is the Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights for H-E-B. Liz is passionate about enabling organizations and individuals in achieving success through well-curated geospatial strategies that harness the power of location, data science, and technology to drive business... Read More →
avatar for Ethan McGhee

Ethan McGhee

Systems Application Specialist, City of San Luis Obispo
avatar for Hannah Walters

Hannah Walters

GIS Analyst, Denver Water
Hannah Walters is a GIS Analyst for Denver Water in Colorado, where her focus is in GIS applications for watershed analysis. She is on the Vanguard Cabinet and serves as the Outreach Coordinator for the Rocky Mountain chapter of URISA. Hannah graduated from the University of Colorado... Read More →
avatar for Rosemary Boone

Rosemary Boone

Senior Industry Marketing Manager, Esri
Rosemary Boone is a Senior Industry Marketing Manager on the Esri Education Outreach team. She is responsible for executing marketing strategies and campaigns for the higher education industry. She is an Esri Young Professionals Network (YPN) advisory board member and connects students... Read More →
avatar for Luis Olivieri

Luis Olivieri

Director of GIS, Hopeworks
Luis Olivieri is the Director of GIS at Hopeworks ‘N Camden, a nonprofit dedicated to helping youth aged 17-26 re-engage with education and build successful futures. He holds a B.S. and M.S. from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez and has completed graduate coursework at... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Connecticut/Rhode Island

2:00pm EDT

GIS Collaboration: Successes, Challenges, and Tools for Effective Partnerships
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) enable powerful analysis and decision-making, but their full potential is often realized through collaboration. This session explores the landscape of GIS collaboration in Virginia and beyond. We'll examine the diverse regional groups facilitating data sharing and joint projects, highlighting the keys to their success and the challenges they overcame. Additionally, we'll learn how innovative tools, like the Census Bureau's Geography Division Partner Portal (GDPP), are streamlining communication and knowledge sharing for even stronger geographic partnerships.

Every Region has an Edge and Other Lessons Learned from Collaborative GIS Efforts
Matt Gerike, PhD, GISP, Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network, North Chesterfield, VA

Enhancing State to Local Collaboration
Matthew Deal, Senior Account Manager, Esri, Middleton, MA

U.S. Census Bureau Geography Division Partner Portal: The Future of the Partnership Experience
Michael Riedman, Geographer, U.S. Census Bureau, Suitland, MD
avatar for Stephen Berry, GISP

Stephen Berry, GISP

GIS Coordinator, Clark County GIS
Stephen Berry, GISP, is a 1995 Graduate of the University of Georgia with a B.S. in Geography. Stephen has been a Certified GISP since 2007 and has over 30 years of work experience in the GIS Profession. He has worked with GIS in industries ranging from utilities and transportation... Read More →
avatar for Matthew Deal

Matthew Deal

Senior Account Manager, Esri
Matthew Deal likes connecting ideas and people through location. Using modern technology to improve cooperation and solve real world problems is a worthy task and it is one of his goals to improve and refine processes. Nothing is perfect, and so constant progress is itself a goal... Read More →
avatar for Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network
Matt Gerike is Geospatial Program Manager for 9-1-1 GIS at the Virginia Geographic Information Network where he supports localities across the commonwealth. He has managed GIS offices and projects in local government, worked with state level GIS clearinghouses and data development... Read More →
avatar for Michael Riedman

Michael Riedman

Geographer, U.S. Census Bureau
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
New Hampshire

2:00pm EDT

Esri Hands-On Learning Lab
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Take free self-paced lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Esri's Hands-On Learning Lab will be at GIS-Pro 2024. You can explore a variety of lessons on trending topics that are listed here

Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Point Clouds, Boreholes and Air Pollution
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Presenters will highlight applied uses of AI and machine learning for automatic classification of point clouds, extracting data from unstructured formats and spatial estimation.

Exploring Beneath the Surface of Borehole Data Extraction
Jason Wise, Software Architect, Terracon, Portsmouth, NH
Rathin Nair, Senior Data Scientist, Terracon, Tonawanda, NY

Ensemble Learning Approaches to Map Benzene Concentration in the Susceptible Area, Dallas' Joppa Community, Texas
Aji Kusumaning Asri, Ph.D Student, and Chih-Da Wu, Professor, Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan

Utilizing Machine Learning for Training and Custom Automatic Point Cloud Classification
Cassidy Barkalow, Technical Support Specialist , Blue Marble Geographics, Hallowell, ME
avatar for Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM

Brett Horr, GISP, LAVM

Corporate GIS Manager, Terracon
Brett is the Corporate GIS Manager for Terracon Consulting Engineers and has worked in the GIS field for over 2 decades. His duties include the management of GIS analysis, geohazard mapping, web and mobile mapping projects, & company GIS support. Brett is also a retired police officer... Read More →
avatar for Jason Wise, GISP

Jason Wise, GISP

Software Architect, Terracon
avatar for Rathin Nair, PhD

Rathin Nair, PhD

Senior Data Scientist, Terracon
I graduated with a PhD in CS(Computer Vision and Machine Learning specialization). Open to conversations on AI and its applications in various domain and business applications.
avatar for Aji Kusumaning Asri

Aji Kusumaning Asri

Ph.D Student, National Cheng Kung University
Aji is a Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Geomatics at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Her study focuses on greenness assessment, air pollution modeling, and health impact assessment.
avatar for Chih-Da Wu

Chih-Da Wu

Professor, National Cheng Kung University
Dr. Chih-Da Wu is a Professor in the Dept. of Geomatics at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Dr. Wu is the head of the Geomatics and Environmental Health Laboratory and specializes in the use of GeoAI approach and the Internet of Things for air pollution modeling, greenness... Read More →

Cassidy Barkalow

Technical Support Specialist, Blue Marble Geographics
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Committee Meeting Room
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Network Modeling
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Physical networks such as roadways, sewer systems, and watersheds tie us together and are ever evolving. This session will focus on modeling of these networks, their underlying data, and improving the relationships within them.

Engineering and GIS Analysis
Vineela Griddaluru, P.E., CFM, GISP, Water Resources Engineer, Jacobs, Wildwood, MO

Generating Certified Public Mileage as a Published Dataset
Gregory Rothwell, GISP, Senior GIS Technician, City of Phoenix-Water Services, Phoenix, AZ

Enhancing Sewer Inspections through GIS for Safer and Smarter Infrastructure Management
Johnny Harley, GIS Analyst, TREKK Design Group, Fairway, KS

Rick Szmajter

Retired, Retired City of Durango
avatar for Vineela Griddaluru, P.E., CFM, GISP

Vineela Griddaluru, P.E., CFM, GISP

Water Resources Engineer, Jacobs Solutions Inc.
Vineela is a proficient Water Resources Engineer and a GISP with 14 years of professional experience. Her expertise over the years includes successfully developing numerous models of surface water hydrology and hydraulics (h&h), water distribution systems, storm water management... Read More →
avatar for Gregory Rothwell, GISP

Gregory Rothwell, GISP

Senior GIS Technician, City of Phoenix - Water Services
avatar for Johnny Harley

Johnny Harley

GIS Analyst, TREKK Design Group
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Expo Break: Demos, Specs, Prizes
Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Winner Winner Lobster Dinner?
Our generous exhibitors will pack up after this break. Participate in another demo, get specs, and maybe win a raffle prize. 

Wednesday October 9, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Casco Bay

4:00pm EDT

Addresses, Roads, & Data Models, Oh My!
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Address point and road centerline data are at the center of local data that are used for public safety and emergency services among many other applications. Presentations in this session explore addresses from the perspectives of data models for public safety and preparing data for public safety use cases.

3rd version's a charm? NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model Deep Thoughts
Deb Rozeboom, GISP, ENP, PMP, Product Manager GIS Services, GeoComm, Albany, OR

NENA Address Data Standard Revisions: and the Relational GIS Data Model, and CLDXF v2
Ed Wells, GISP, Retired, University Park, MD

How to (Not) Build a 911 Database
Heather Studley, GISP, GIS Manager, Bannock County GIS, Pocatello, ID
avatar for Sid Pandey

Sid Pandey

GIS Senior Consultant, Deloitte
Sid is a Senior Geospatial Consultant within Deloitte's Location Intelligence Practice. He possesses extensive experience helping organizations leverage geospatial technology to analyze, collect, manage, and visualize data to make informed decisions. He regularly works with interdisciplinary... Read More →
avatar for Deb Rozeboom, GISP, ENP, PMP

Deb Rozeboom, GISP, ENP, PMP

Product Manager - GIS Services, GeoComm
Deb Rozeboom is a Product Manager of GIS Services with GeoComm. In her 18-year career at GeoComm she has worked with countless Local, State, and Federal government agencies and Public Safety ECCs to build and maintain GIS data for 9-1-1 systems. She is a member and leader of multiple... Read More →
avatar for Ed Wells, GISP

Ed Wells, GISP

Past President of URISA, Retired
Ed Wells was one the four principal co-authors of the FGDC address standard. He served as Technical Editor for the NENA workgroup that drafted the Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXFv1), and is an active member of CLDXFv2 workgroup. He has been an active participant in the... Read More →
avatar for Heather Studley, GISP

Heather Studley, GISP

GIS Manager, Bannock County GIS
Studley started as a simple GIS Technician entering Records of Surveys and suddenly became someone who “knows things” (getting put in charge of the GIS system in the process) and one of those things is addressing and GIS data integration for the local 911 system. She is also involved... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Coastal Climate Resilience and Power of GIS
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
This session highlights examples of coastal climate resilience using the power of GIS and LiDAR to combat sea level rise.

Empowering Regional Resilience With GIS
Ashley Mott, GIS Manager, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council - Pinellas Park, FL

Using Geospatial Tools to Understand Sea Level Rise Implications on Mudflats and Tidal Marshes in Maine
Judy Colby-George, GISP, Principal, VIEWSHED, Yarmouth, ME

Building Climate-Ready Coasts using Next-Generation Land Cover and Lidar Data
Jamie Carter, Regional Geospatial Coordinator, NOAA Office for Coastal Management, Yarmouth, ME
avatar for John Derek Morgan, Ph.D., GISP

John Derek Morgan, Ph.D., GISP

Associate Professor of GIS, University of West Florida
avatar for Ashley Mott

Ashley Mott

GIS Manager, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
Ashley Mott serves as GIS Manager at the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) where she supports regional resilience, emergency preparedness and environmental planning projects with GIS, maps, and data visualization. Ashley also provides technical assistance to TBRPC member... Read More →
avatar for Judy Colby-George, GISP

Judy Colby-George, GISP

Principal, VIEWSHED
Judy is the owner of Viewshed, which is made up of Spatial Alternatives, GIS Consulting and tjd&a, Landscape Architects and Planners.  She has worked with municipal governments, regional planning agencies, and state governments in New England for over 25 years.  Judy has extensive... Read More →
avatar for Jamie Carter

Jamie Carter

Northeast Region Geospatial Coordinator, NOAA
Jamie Carter is a remote sensing analyst with NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management (OCM) and serves coastal communities primarily in the Northeast Region. He has a bachelor’s degree in Ecology from Tulane University, a master’s degree in Physical Geography from Oregon State... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Tools for Success – Resources for Geospatial Career Building
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
These presentations all focus on sharing some of the essential tools and tricks of the trade available to you as you navigate your career in the geospatial industry. Topics covered in this session will include ways to leverage existing resources throughout your career, new programs to help you get certified, and strategies to build support within your organizations to achieve your goals and success!

Leveraging the Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge for Your Career Development
Greg Babinski, MA, GISP, EthicalGEO Fellow, URISA Past-President, GIS Management Consultant
GIS Management Consulting Services & The GIS Management, Edmonds, WA

The Pre-GISP Program
Tony Spicci, CGMP, GISP, Executive Director, GIS Certification Institute, Columbia, MO
Virginia DOT Roadmap – A Step Towards Success in GIS
Michelle Fults, GISP, GIS Manager in Geospatial, Virginia DOT, Richmond, VA
avatar for Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights, H-E-B
Liz Parrish is the Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights for H-E-B. Liz is passionate about enabling organizations and individuals in achieving success through well-curated geospatial strategies that harness the power of location, data science, and technology to drive business... Read More →
avatar for Greg Babinski, MA, GISP. EthicalGEO Fellow

Greg Babinski, MA, GISP. EthicalGEO Fellow

URISA Past-President, GIS Management Consultant, GIS Management Consulting Services & The GIS Management Academy
Greg Babinski is a GIS management consultant and founder of GIS Management Consulting Services LLC and the GIS Management Academy, located in the greater Seattle area.Between 1998 and the end of 2021 he served as GIS Manager, GIS Finance Manager and GIS Marketing & Business Development... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Fults, GISP

Michelle Fults, GISP

GIS Manager in Geospatial, Virginia DOT
Ms. Fults is currently a Geospatial GIS Section Manager at VDOT in Location and Design Division.  Overall she has 35 years of experience in GIS working with State/Local Government and private industry with concentrations in environmental planning, transportation planning, GIS development... Read More →
avatar for Tony Spicci, CGMP GISP

Tony Spicci, CGMP GISP

Executive Director, GIS Certification Institute
The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) is a nonprofit 501(c)6 organization incorporated in 2002. The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) promotes the advancement of proficient GIS professionals through its international GISP® (Certified GIS Professional) certification program. The... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Connecticut/Rhode Island

4:00pm EDT

Bridging the Gap: Empower Your Enterprise GIS with Collaboration and Managed Services
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
The modern GIS landscape demands seamless integration and expert support. This session explores strategies to bridge the gap and optimize your enterprise GIS.
Managing and Funding a Modern GIS
Matthew Deal, Senior AM, Esri, Middleton, MA

What you Need to Consider about Managed Services
Tyler Prahl, Business Development Manager, Avineon, Minneapolis, MN

GIS in the Cloud: Opportunities, Advantages and Considerations
Tom Schwartzman, Senior Solution, Engineer, Esri, Middleton, MA
avatar for John Nolte, GISP

John Nolte, GISP

GIS Manager, Denver Water
John M. Nolte, GISP is the GIS Manager of Denver Water's Administrative Services GIS. He has been in the industry for nearly 30 years and has worked in various positions. He is a board member of URISA International and an instructor for the GIS Leadership Academy. He lives in Denver... Read More →
avatar for Matthew Deal

Matthew Deal

Senior Account Manager, Esri
Matthew Deal likes connecting ideas and people through location. Using modern technology to improve cooperation and solve real world problems is a worthy task and it is one of his goals to improve and refine processes. Nothing is perfect, and so constant progress is itself a goal... Read More →
avatar for Tyler Prahl

Tyler Prahl

Business Development Manager, Avineon, Inc
A global technology company specializing in information technology, geospatial, and engineering services.
avatar for Tom Schwartzman

Tom Schwartzman

Senior Solution Engineer, Esri
Esri guy.
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Attend this session for some entertaining and educational quick-hits on a wide range of topics!
A Call to Action: Indoor Maps for Schools
Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP, Product Manager/GIS Content, GeoComm, Indianapolis, IN
Equity in Parks and Recreation Systems through GRASP LOS Analysis
Caylon Vielehr, GRASP GIS Analyst, Berry Dunn, Morehead City, NC
Why Soft Skills should be called Essential Skills
Ethan McGhee, Systems Application Specialist GIS, City of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA

Detecting Parking Incident Patterns and Causal Factors in the City of Boston
Abdullahi Bello, Student, Northeastern University, Brookline, MA
Beyond the Sports Metaphors: Wake Up Calls and Unsportsmanlike Professional Development
Matt Gerike, PhD, GISP, Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network, North Chesterfield, VA
Insider Insight: Navigating Data Inventory in GIS
David Price, GIS Coordinator, Wood County  Engineer's Office, Bowling Green, OH
My Favorite Quotes 2: Persistence and Perseverance
Peter Croswell, GISP, PMP, CMS, President and Lead Consultant, Croswell-Schulte Information Technology Consultants, Frankfort, KY

Mapping the Playbook: A Geographic Perspective on Conference Realignment in College Sports
Johnny Harley, GIS Analyst, TREKK Design Group, Fairway, KS

Wildlife Conservation Initiatives in one Southwest Florida Community
Laura Rankin, Consultant, Bradenton, Florida 
avatar for Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP

Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP

Product Manager - Public Safety GIS Content, GeoComm
Keri Brennan, GISP, ENP is a Product Manager for Public Safety GIS Content and Mapping with GeoComm.  Keri has over 27 years of GIS experience as a consultant, trainer, and product manager with focus in providing solutions to local, state, and federal governments, especially in the... Read More →
avatar for Peter Croswell, PMP, GISP, CMS

Peter Croswell, PMP, GISP, CMS

President, Croswell-Schulte IT Consultants
Mr. Croswell is the President and lead consultant of Croswell-Schulte Information Technology Consultants. He is an expert in information technology and GIS implementation and management with over 40 years experience as an IT and GIS practitioner, program manager, and an IT/GIS consultant... Read More →
avatar for Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network
Matt Gerike is Geospatial Program Manager for 9-1-1 GIS at the Virginia Geographic Information Network where he supports localities across the commonwealth. He has managed GIS offices and projects in local government, worked with state level GIS clearinghouses and data development... Read More →
avatar for Johnny Harley

Johnny Harley

GIS Analyst, TREKK Design Group
avatar for Ethan McGhee

Ethan McGhee

Systems Application Specialist, City of San Luis Obispo
avatar for Caylon Vielehr

Caylon Vielehr

GRASP GIS Analyst, Berry Dunn
avatar for Abdullahi Bello

Abdullahi Bello

GIS & Spatial Data Specialist | Student, Northeastern University
avatar for David Price

David Price

GIS Coordinator, Wood County Engineer's Office

Laura Rankin

Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
New Hampshire

4:00pm EDT

Esri Hands-On Learning Lab
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Take free self-paced lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Esri's Hands-On Learning Lab will be at GIS-Pro 2024. You can explore a variety of lessons on trending topics that are listed here

Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Transportation Safety, Building Footprints and Address Locators
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Presenters will highlight applied uses of AI and machine learning for supporting Vision Zero programs; automating building footprint extraction and custom address locators.

Adventures in Cook County Building Footprint Creation with Machine Learning
Alice Ferruzzi, GIS Analyst, Cook County, Chicago, IL
How To Realize Safer Streets with GIS
Adam Carnow, GISP, AICP, Public Works Industry Specialist, Esri, Charlotte, NC

Best Practices for Working with Locators using Automation and a Smidge of AI
Rachel Marquez, GISP, PMP, GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles eGIS, Whittier, CA
Victor Diaz, GISP, GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles eGIS, Whittier, CA 

Pamela Harris

Natural Resource Planner, Maryland Department of the Environment
avatar for Alice Ferruzzi

Alice Ferruzzi

GIS Analyst, Cook County
avatar for Adam Carnow, AICP, GISP

Adam Carnow, AICP, GISP

Public Works Industry Specialist, Esri
Adam Carnow is the Public Works Industry Specialist at Esri. He is a keynote speaker and thought leader. He collaborates with his colleagues, Esri Partners, and customers to lead the successful application of ArcGIS across the public works disciplines. Mr. Carnow has over 30 years... Read More →
avatar for Rachel Marquez, GISP, PMP

Rachel Marquez, GISP, PMP

GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles-eGIS
Rachel R. Marquez, Countywide Address Management System (CAMS) Program Coordinator for the County of Los Angeles' Enterprise GIS (eGIS) Group. Rachel is passionate about the power of geospatial technology to navigate the interconnected world. From managing complex projects to creating... Read More →
avatar for Victor Diaz, GISP

Victor Diaz, GISP

Senior GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles eGIS
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Committee Meeting Room
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

GIS-Pro Night Out in Portland: Networking Event in the East End
Wednesday October 9, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
You've learned a lot so far this week; met some new people; and reconnected with colleagues. We'll have bus transportation to the East End neighborhood in downtown Portland where we'll enjoy more great conversation, food, and beverages (mocktails and cocktails), games, and music - in a super-cool venue. (Or make your way there early and/or stay late and explore the neighborhood.)

A bit about Maine Craft Distilling: creates a full shelf of spirits including ‘Fifty Stone,’ a Highlands-style whiskey and several varieties of rum, vodka and gin. They also branched out into unique spirits including ‘Blueshine’ blueberry moonshine, made with barley, wild Maine blueberries and Maine maple syrup, and ‘Chesuncook Botanical Spirit,’ distilled from carrot juice, mountain juniper, basil, mint, and coriander.

Wednesday October 9, 2024 6:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Maine Craft Distilling 123 Washington Ave, Portland, ME 04101
Thursday, October 10

7:30am EDT

Coffee Break in the Foyer
Thursday October 10, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT
Thursday October 10, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT

7:30am EDT

GIS-Pro 2025 Volunteer Breakfast Meeting: Join Us in Shaping the Future
Thursday October 10, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT
Did you enjoy the conference and want to volunteer time and energy to make GIS-Pro 2025 the can't miss geospatial conference of the year? Find out about the conference committee responsibilities, volunteer expectations, and timeline during this breakfast meeting.
  • Kara Utter - 2025 Conference Chair
  • Keith Olson - 2025 Program Chair

Thursday October 10, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT

8:00am EDT

Thursday October 10, 2024 8:00am - 11:00am EDT
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:00am - 11:00am EDT

8:30am EDT

Spatial & Statistical Analysis for Emergency Services
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
The location of critical facilities and data about emergency incidents play key roles in how we understand and act on causes, patterns, and services. This session will focus on integrating data for spatial and statistical analysis of law, fire, and health case studies.
Using GIS for Modeling Spatial Accessibility to Public Health Emergency Facilities in Jeddah City
Abdulkader Murad, PhD, Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Spatial and Statistical Analysis of Crime Patterns in Relation to Stakeholder Response: A Case Study of Oakland, California
Mark Leipnik, PhD, Professor of Geography and Sanjay Mehta, PhD, Professor of Marketing, Dept. of Environmental and Geo-Sciences, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

Spatial Analysis for Fire Station Site Selection
Ethan McGhee, Systems Application Specialist – GIS, City of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA

Using GIS to Modernize Public Safety Data Collection Workflows
Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP, Information Technology Specialist, California Highway Patrol, Sacramento, CA
avatar for Kara Utter

Kara Utter

GIS Consultant and Owner, Dynamic Visions GIS
GIS Consultant and owner of Dynamic Visions GIS. With over 10 years of experience in GIS, I have worked with local, state, and federal government entities, as well as the nonprofit and private sectors. I spent the last five years building and coordinating a County-level GIS program... Read More →
avatar for AbdulKader Murad, PhD

AbdulKader Murad, PhD

Professor, King Abdulaziz University
Abdulkader A. Murad is a Fallow at the Charted Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, FCInstCES, and a member of URISA. Currently, he is a Professor of GIS at King AbdulAziz University, Previous to this, he was is the GIS Advisor for the Vice President for projects in king AbdulAziz... Read More →
avatar for Mark Leipnik, Ph.D

Mark Leipnik, Ph.D

Professor of Geography, Sam Houston State University
Dr. Leipnik is a Professor in the Department of Environmental and Geosciences at Sam Houston State University in Texas specializing in GIS since 1996. He received his PhD from University of California at Santa Barbara in Geography in 1995. He is the author of two books and over fifty... Read More →
avatar for Sanjay Mehta, Ph.D

Sanjay Mehta, Ph.D

Professor of Marketing, Sam Houston State University
Dr. Sanjay S. Mehta (BS, MS, MBA, PhD) is a professor in the School of Business at Sam Houston State University, Texas since 1997.  He has won the University's top awards for Excellence in Scholarship and Excellence in Community Engagement.
avatar for Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP

Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP

Information Technology Specialist, California Highway Patrol
Christina is the GIS Data Lead at the California Highway Patrol (CHP). She manages the computer aided dispatch system spatial data and the Enterprise system for CHP, increasing the use of spatial data analytics through dashboards and maps to coordinate efficient public safety intelligence... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT

8:30am EDT

Unlock the Power of Diversity and Inclusion in GIS: From Women Leaders to Young Professional Engagement
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
This dynamic session will equip you to build a thriving, inclusive workplace for the future. Join a diverse panel of women and allies in GIS. Share experiences, explore practical steps to foster a welcoming environment, and leave with actionable strategies to make a real difference.

Supporting Women in the GIS Workplace
Sara Thompson, GIS Manager, Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix, AZ
Hannah Walters, GIS Analyst, Denver Water, Denver, CO

Laws for Success: Empowering Women in the Workplace
Eugina Jordan, CMO, TIP, Myrtle Beach, SC
avatar for Sara Thompson

Sara Thompson

GIS Manager, Arizona Department of Transportation
avatar for Hannah Walters

Hannah Walters

GIS Analyst, Denver Water
Hannah Walters is a GIS Analyst for Denver Water in Colorado, where her focus is in GIS applications for watershed analysis. She is on the Vanguard Cabinet and serves as the Outreach Coordinator for the Rocky Mountain chapter of URISA. Hannah graduated from the University of Colorado... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
Connecticut/Rhode Island

8:30am EDT

Managing GIS in Larger Local Governments
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
This dynamic panel discussion brings together GIOs, managers, and coordinators of local government GIS operations to explore similarities, consider differences, and build connections.

Join the conversation and:
  • Discover the experiences and perspectives of GIS leaders in local government.
  • Learn about funding models and strategies for regular operations and projects.
  • Hear about approaches to geospatial data governance
  • Learn about priorities and biggest challenges. Are they facing similar struggles to yours?

Gail Jorgenson, GISP , GIS Program Manager, City of Bozeman, Montana
David Anderson, GISP, Chatham County, Savannah, Georgia
Curtis Pulford, Manager – Enterprise Geographic Information Systems, City of Phoenix, Arizona
Todd J. Schuble, Director of GIS, Cook County, Chicago, Illinois 
avatar for Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network
Matt Gerike is Geospatial Program Manager for 9-1-1 GIS at the Virginia Geographic Information Network where he supports localities across the commonwealth. He has managed GIS offices and projects in local government, worked with state level GIS clearinghouses and data development... Read More →
avatar for Gail Jorgenson

Gail Jorgenson

GIS Program Manager, City of Bozeman
Gail Jorgenson |City of Bozeman |GIS Program Manager_x000D__x000D_Born in the southwest city of Tucson, AZ my family migrated to Idaho when I was in my teens. After raising my family, graduating college with degrees in Geology and Geotechnical Studies and after many years of a great... Read More →
avatar for David Anderson

David Anderson

GIS Manager, Chatham County
David Anderson is a seasoned GIS professional with a strong track record of fostering servant leadership in the geospatial industry. As the GIS Manager for Chatham County, Georgia, David leads a diverse team within the Geospatial and GIS division, ensuring efficient, innovative solutions... Read More →
avatar for Curtis Pulford

Curtis Pulford

Enterprise GIS Manager, City of Phoenix
Curtis is the Enterprise GIS Manager for City of Phoenix, the fifth-most populous city in the United States. It is also the state capital and largest city in the state at 517.9 square miles. Our metropolitan area is the 11th largest by population in the United States, with approximately... Read More →
avatar for Todd J. Schuble

Todd J. Schuble

Director of GIS, Cook County
Todd J. Schuble is the GIS Manager for the Cook County Bureau of Technology’s GIS Department. Todd joined Cook County in August 2018 and is guiding his department on a path to serve Cook County's mapping and spatial analysis needs through the collection and examination of demographic... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
New Hampshire

8:30am EDT

Maximizing Asset Data: Tools and Strategies for Effective Asset Management
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
Turning raw asset data into actionable insights is a key challenge in modern asset management. This session dives into innovative ways organizations are leveraging their asset data for smarter decision-making.
Making your Asset Management Data work for you
Olesya Powers, GISP, GIS Analyst, City of Rockwall, Rockwall, TX

The Why and How of Moving to UN: The Municipal Approach
Wendy Peloquin, GISP, Business Development Manager, Avineon, Inc, Jacksonville, FL
Tyler Prahl, Business Development Manager, Avineon, Minneapolis, MN

Second Stage Right of Way Development for Viriginia DOT – Two Use Cases
Michelle Fults, GISP, GIS Manager Geospatial L&D, Virginia DOT, Richmond, VA

Complying with the Lead and Copper Rule
John Nolte, GISP, GIS Manager, Denver Water , Denver, CO
avatar for Stephen Berry, GISP

Stephen Berry, GISP

GIS Coordinator, Clark County GIS
Stephen Berry, GISP, is a 1995 Graduate of the University of Georgia with a B.S. in Geography. Stephen has been a Certified GISP since 2007 and has over 30 years of work experience in the GIS Profession. He has worked with GIS in industries ranging from utilities and transportation... Read More →
avatar for Wendy Peloquin, GISP

Wendy Peloquin, GISP

Business Development Manager, Avineon
Wendy Peloquin, GISP is a Business Development Manager at Avineon with over 15 years of industry experience. She earned a B.S. in Geography and a Certificate in GIS from UGA and a Masters degree in GIS Administration from the UWF.  Wendy is an active member of URISA International... Read More →
avatar for John Nolte, GISP

John Nolte, GISP

GIS Manager, Denver Water
John M. Nolte, GISP is the GIS Manager of Denver Water's Administrative Services GIS. He has been in the industry for nearly 30 years and has worked in various positions. He is a board member of URISA International and an instructor for the GIS Leadership Academy. He lives in Denver... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Fults, GISP

Michelle Fults, GISP

GIS Manager in Geospatial, Virginia DOT
Ms. Fults is currently a Geospatial GIS Section Manager at VDOT in Location and Design Division.  Overall she has 35 years of experience in GIS working with State/Local Government and private industry with concentrations in environmental planning, transportation planning, GIS development... Read More →
avatar for Olesya Powers, GISP

Olesya Powers, GISP

GIS Analyst, City of Rockwall
Hailing from north of the border, Oly Powers, GISP earned her Honours Bachelor of Science in Physical Geography and GIS from the University of Toronto and her Graduate Certificate in Cartography from the Geomatics Institute at Fleming College. While her early career focused on conservation... Read More →
avatar for Tyler Prahl

Tyler Prahl

Business Development Manager, Avineon, Inc
A global technology company specializing in information technology, geospatial, and engineering services.
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT

8:30am EDT

Advisory Committee Efforts to Update Laws Surrounding the Definition of “Practice of Surveying”
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
This panel session will provide an overview and update on a collaboration between URISA Policy Advisory Committee and the National Society of Professional Surveyors. This work group’s mission is to provide recommendations to the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Model Law on the definition of the “practice of surveying”.

GIS Professionals and Surveyors Continue Working to Clarify Professional Responsibilities
Bruce Joffe, GISP, Principal Emeritus, GIS Consultants, Piedmont, CA
Ed Wells, GISP, Retired, University Park, MD
Tim Burch, PLS, Executive Director of National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS)
Gary Kent, PLS, served on the Indiana Board of Registration for Professional Surveyors since 2004
avatar for Kim McDonough

Kim McDonough

URISA Past President, Retired
avatar for Bruce Joffe, GISP

Bruce Joffe, GISP

Principal Emeritus, GIS Consultants
Founding Principal of GIS Consultants, Bruce has been providing GIS planning and implementation management services, public policy formulation, and organizational therapy to cities, counties, and utility companies for over 40 years.Bruce was Chair of URISA's Policy Advisory Committee... Read More →
avatar for Ed Wells, GISP

Ed Wells, GISP

Past President of URISA, Retired
Ed Wells was one the four principal co-authors of the FGDC address standard. He served as Technical Editor for the NENA workgroup that drafted the Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXFv1), and is an active member of CLDXFv2 workgroup. He has been an active participant in the... Read More →
avatar for Tim Burch, PLS

Tim Burch, PLS

Executive Director, National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS)
Timothy W. Burch, PLS, is the Executive Director of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). He served as President-Elect, Vice President, and Secretary (2015-2019) of the Board of Directors and as Governor/Director representing Illinois (2007-2014). Tim has been involved... Read More →
avatar for Gary Kent, PLS

Gary Kent, PLS

Owner, Meridian Land Consulting, LLC
Gary Kent is a Professional Surveyor with Schneider Geomatics in Indianapolis where, after 37 years, he transitioned in 2020 to part-time status and formed Meridian Land Consulting to provide training, consulting and expert witness services. Gary has served on the Indiana Board of... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT

8:30am EDT

Esri Hands-On Learning Lab
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
Take free self-paced lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Esri's Hands-On Learning Lab will be at GIS-Pro 2024. You can explore a variety of lessons on trending topics that are listed here

Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT

8:30am EDT

GIS for Equity & Engagement
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
This session considers how GIS is being used to overcome education barriers, engage communities, and support equity. These talks consider various equity indices, models, and the URISA Code of Ethics to understand the efficacy and impact projects can have on the development of communities.

Empowering Equitable Sidewalk Infrastructure with GIS
Juliette Bateman, GIS Developer, dymaptic, Asheville, NC

Local Redistricting and the GIS Practitioner’s Ethical Obligations
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP, Senior Research Associate, Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH

Classrooms and Communities: Collaborative Mapping for Flood Mitigation
Wansoo Im, Ph.D, Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College
Suhyun Bea, Undergraduate Student, University Utah, Asia Campus - Seoul, South Korea

Engaging Elementary Students in Climate Change through Community Mapping
Yun kyung Cha, Elementary School Teacher and Yoonji Chung, Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association, Won-ju si, South Korea
avatar for Judy Colby-George, GISP

Judy Colby-George, GISP

Principal, VIEWSHED
Judy is the owner of Viewshed, which is made up of Spatial Alternatives, GIS Consulting and tjd&a, Landscape Architects and Planners.  She has worked with municipal governments, regional planning agencies, and state governments in New England for over 25 years.  Judy has extensive... Read More →

Juliette Bateman

GIS Developer, dymaptic
avatar for Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Senior Research Associate, Cleveland State University
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP is an applied urban geographer and demographer and has more than 40 years of experience in data management, dissemination, and analysis. He has been active in providing and analyzing data and has conducted studies in urban migration, poverty, housing, voting... Read More →
avatar for Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College

Suhyun Bea

Undergraduate Student, University Utah, Asia Campus
avatar for Yun kyung Cha

Yun kyung Cha

Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association

Yoonji Chung

Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT

10:00am EDT

Coffee Break in the Foyer
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am EDT
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am EDT

10:30am EDT

Closing Keynote: URISA and AI: A Look at This Latest Round of Information Technology-Driven Change (and URISA Annual Business Meeting)
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm EDT
This week flew by! Hopefully you learned a lot and will leave Portland with a boatload of solutions and ideas and a professional network that will be your support system throughout your career.

URISA and AI: A Look at This Latest Round of Information Technology-Driven Change
URISA has always been an organization focused on harnessing emerging information technologies to improve urban and regional planning. Over the decades, the URISA community has responded to multiple waves of technology-driven change -from computerizing census records in the 1960s all the way to distributed computing and location-based services in recent years. In many ways, AI, and especially large language models and generative AI, are just another wave of new tech. In many ways, the impact of AI on the URISA community looks familiar, but there are some differences worth noting. The talk will compare what is happening now with the impacts of previous technologies in order to draw some conclusions about where we are, what to expect, and what to prioritize.

We are honored to feature Joe Ferreira (Professor at MIT and URISA Past President) and Katie Picchione (Response Coordination Lead at NASA) to discuss this important and ever-evolving topic.

Annual Business Meeting
Then stick around for some closing comments from the conference leadership and attend URISA's Annual Business Meeting. We talked about the NSDI on Tuesday and will bookend that discussion with an updated from URISA's Policy Advisory Committee. Learn about URISA accomplishments over the past year, Board actions taken, and exciting plans for the future. Meet the new members elected to the URISA Board.
avatar for Pravin Mathur, GISP

Pravin Mathur, GISP

Consultant, Climatebase
Pravin Mathur is an Independent Consultant . He is a Past President of Chesapeake URISA and serves on the Advisory Board of Virginia's Geographic Information Network (VGIN).Till recently he was leading as the Senior Program Manager for the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level... Read More →
avatar for Keith Olson

Keith Olson

SRP GIS Coordinator, Idaho Army National Guard
Keith specializes in GIS applications in military lands management and range safety operations. He currently serves as the GIS Coordinator for the Sustainable Range Program with the Idaho Army National Guard and previously as a Lead GIS Developer for Colorado State University at the... Read More →
avatar for Kara Utter

Kara Utter

GIS Consultant and Owner, Dynamic Visions GIS
GIS Consultant and owner of Dynamic Visions GIS. With over 10 years of experience in GIS, I have worked with local, state, and federal government entities, as well as the nonprofit and private sectors. I spent the last five years building and coordinating a County-level GIS program... Read More →
avatar for Joe Ferreira

Joe Ferreira

Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Urban Systems and Planning
Joe Ferreira is Professor (Post-tenure) of Urban Information Systems at MIT. His undergraduate degree (in electrical engineering) and his PhD (in operations research) are from MIT where he has been on the Department of Urban Studies and Planning faculty ever since. He uses GIS and... Read More →
avatar for Katie Picchione

Katie Picchione

Response Coordination Lead, NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Katie Picchione is a socio-technical systems engineer working at the intersection of emergency management and geographic data. Katie has been a volunteer with URISA’s GISCorps since 2021, where she helps lead the PhotoMappers program. Currently serving as Response Coordination Lead... Read More →
avatar for Glenn O’Grady, GISP

Glenn O’Grady, GISP

URISA Past President/PAC Chair, Retired
Michael Glenn O’Grady was the founding chair of URISA’s PAC and is currently serving as chairman again, in addition to being on the URISA Board. He has been a member of URISA since 1979 and is a former URISA President. O’Grady retired from local government in 2006 after spending... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 10:30am - 12:00pm EDT
Vermont/New Hampshire

12:30pm EDT

URISA Board of Directors Meeting: Mapping Out the Year
Thursday October 10, 2024 12:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Newly-elected Board members will begin their terms at this meeting, where the URISA Board maps out the year.
John Nolte begins his term as URISA President at this meeting.

Thursday October 10, 2024 12:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
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