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We are pleased to collaborate with the New England Chapter of URISA on this important event.

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The Role of GIS in Pursuit of Equity and Social Justice clear filter
Tuesday, October 8

2:00pm EDT

GIS as a Tool for Change
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
There are many ways to implement change in the world.  This set of talks addresses using GIS, collaboration, and GIS Corps to enhance employment, train young people, develop guidance on Social Risk, Resilience, and Vulnerability Indices. This session will help provide insights for critical considerations to help make GIS more equitable relative to its ability to impact change.

Guidance on Social Risk, Resilience, and Vulnerability Indices Web Application, a collaboration between URISA and NAPSG with support from GISCorps
Emilie Pratt, GIS Analyst/URISA GISCorps Volunteer, NAPSG Foundation, Kearneysville, WV

Brain & Body Maps: Understanding Neuroscience as Key Tool for Creating Powerful and Effective Change
Kathryn Brewer, GISP, IT Project Director, Spatial Relationships, Boston, MA

Leveraging GIS for Enhancing Employment Growth Allocation
Xuanye Zuo, Associate Modeler, and Ying Zhou, Modeling Supervisor, SCAG - Los Angeles, CA

Incorporating an Equity Lens in GIS: Key Concepts for Addressing Community Engagement and Racial Disparities
Clinton G Johnson, CEO/Chief Visionary Officer, Us@Spaces, Philadelphia, PA

avatar for Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Senior Research Associate, Cleveland State University
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP is an applied urban geographer and demographer and has more than 40 years of experience in data management, dissemination, and analysis. He has been active in providing and analyzing data and has conducted studies in urban migration, poverty, housing, voting... Read More →
avatar for Emilie Pratt

Emilie Pratt

GIS Analyst/URISA GISCorps Volunteer, NAPSG Foundation
Emilie Pratt is a dedicated GIS professional with extensive experience in emergency response and geospatial analysis. Currently contributing to URISA’s GISCorps, Emilie has played a pivotal role in disaster response efforts, including assisting GISCorps PhotoMappers during hurricanes... Read More →
avatar for Kathryn Brewer, GISP

Kathryn Brewer, GISP

IT Project Director, Spatial Relationships
Kathryn Brewer (she/her) has over 25 years of leading change in the geospatial technology field. She recently served on the URISA Board of Directors and was Board Liaison to the Pro-Equity and Anti-Racism Committee.While still working diligently in the geospatial technology field... Read More →
avatar for Xuanye Zuo

Xuanye Zuo

Associate Modeler, SCAG

Ying Zhou

Modeling Supervisor, SCAG
avatar for Clinton G Johnson

Clinton G Johnson

CEO/Chief Visionary Officer, Us@Spaces
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Wednesday, October 9

11:00am EDT

GIS & Public Health
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
GIS is an important tool in understanding public health. From understanding maternal and child welfare and access to healthcare to mapping socioeconomic factors and historical addressing, these talks all provide us with methods for using GIS within the broader public health sphere. This session will conclude with a panel discussion from all session participants to further explore citizen science, spatial and temporal accuracy, and bridging the gap between data and community.

Making Health Equity Transparent with LA County’s Community Health Profiles
Shannon Julius, GISP, Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles, Downey, CA
Robert Graham, Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles, Downey, CA
Juan Cardenas, GISP, GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles eGIS, Downey, CA

Pushing the Boundaries of Esri’s Geocoder: Historical Geocoding
Cassandra (Cassie) Sanford, GIS Specialist, UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research, Madison, WI
Nyla Thursday, GIS Specialist,  UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research, Madison, WI

Beyond the Classroom: GIS and Community Engagement at Meharry Medical College
Wansoo Im, Ph.D, Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College


Pamela Harris

Natural Resource Planner, Maryland Department of the Environment
avatar for Shannon Julius, GISP

Shannon Julius, GISP

Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles
Shannon has been working as a GIS professional for Cities in Los Angeles County since 2014 and for Los Angeles County since 2021. She has an M.S. in GISci from Cal State Long Beach and a B.A. in Environmental Analysis from Pitzer College. Her current hobbies are hiking, board games... Read More →
avatar for Robert Graham, GISP

Robert Graham, GISP

GIS Specialist, County of Los Angeles
Rob is a GIS programmer and data architect working with Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS.  He is committed to GIS technology as a tool to improve human conditions and build community power, and has worked with a variety of public interest groups to develop engaging data and mapping... Read More →
avatar for Juan Cardenas, GISP

Juan Cardenas, GISP

GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles
GIS Analyst at Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS
avatar for Cassie Sanford

Cassie Sanford

GIS Specialist, UW-Madison's Center for Health Disparities Research
Cassie Sanford is a GIS Specialist at the University of Wisconsin - Madison's Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR). At CHDR, Cassie and her coworker Nyla have pioneered new ways in historical geocoding. They have created new datasets using historical census data to support... Read More →
avatar for Nyla Thursday

Nyla Thursday

GIS Specialist, UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research
Nyla is an enthusiastic GIS and cartography teacher and life long learner. She loves finding brand new ways to solve tangled messes of problems, learning endlessly from her peers, and teaching anyone that is interested. In her work at the Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR... Read More →
avatar for Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Thursday, October 10

8:30am EDT

GIS for Equity & Engagement
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
This session considers how GIS is being used to overcome education barriers, engage communities, and support equity. These talks consider various equity indices, models, and the URISA Code of Ethics to understand the efficacy and impact projects can have on the development of communities.

Empowering Equitable Sidewalk Infrastructure with GIS
Juliette Bateman, GIS Developer, dymaptic, Asheville, NC

Local Redistricting and the GIS Practitioner’s Ethical Obligations
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP, Senior Research Associate, Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH

Classrooms and Communities: Collaborative Mapping for Flood Mitigation
Wansoo Im, Ph.D, Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College
Suhyun Bea, Undergraduate Student, University Utah, Asia Campus - Seoul, South Korea

Engaging Elementary Students in Climate Change through Community Mapping
Yun kyung Cha, Elementary School Teacher and Yoonji Chung, Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association, Won-ju si, South Korea
avatar for Judy Colby-George, GISP

Judy Colby-George, GISP

Principal, VIEWSHED
Judy is the owner of Viewshed, which is made up of Spatial Alternatives, GIS Consulting and tjd&a, Landscape Architects and Planners.  She has worked with municipal governments, regional planning agencies, and state governments in New England for over 25 years.  Judy has extensive... Read More →

Juliette Bateman

GIS Developer, dymaptic
avatar for Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Senior Research Associate, Cleveland State University
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP is an applied urban geographer and demographer and has more than 40 years of experience in data management, dissemination, and analysis. He has been active in providing and analyzing data and has conducted studies in urban migration, poverty, housing, voting... Read More →
avatar for Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College

Suhyun Bea

Undergraduate Student, University Utah, Asia Campus
avatar for Yun kyung Cha

Yun kyung Cha

Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association

Yoonji Chung

Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
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