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Welcome to GIS-Pro 2024: URISA’s 62nd Annual Conference, taking place in Portland, Maine! This is where you review the comprehensive educational program for the conference and plan your agenda.

We are pleased to collaborate with the New England Chapter of URISA on this important event.

Go to this page to register for the conference and make travel plans; review sponsor and exhibit packages, and check out young professional and student opportunities. Early bird registration discounts are available until August 1. 
Cumberland/Kennebec clear filter
Monday, October 7

8:00am EDT

Cybersecurity Awareness for GIS Professionals - Half-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Cybersecurity Awareness for GIS Professionals - Half-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
David Lanter Ph.D., Director - Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security, Temple University – Fox School – Management Information Systems, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP, Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network, Williamsburg, Virginia

National and economic security depends on reliable functioning of critical infrastructure, including transportation, utility, pipeline, and other distribution and collection networks. Cybersecurity threats exploit the increased complexity and connectivity of critical infrastructure systems, placing our nations’ security, economies, and public safety and health at risk. Similar to financial and reputational risk, cybersecurity risk can affect an organization’s bottom line by driving up costs and impacting revenue. It can also impact an organization’s ability to innovate, share and protect information, keep agreements, and gain and maintain public confidence.

In this half-day workshop, you will learn key concepts and components necessary for protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) of geospatial information assets. You will gain an understanding of the importance and key techniques for managing security of information assets including access control, disaster recovery and business continuity that can be made part of the GIS organization’s management process.

The first part of the workshop will focus on information security risk identification and management. The second part of the class will cover details of security threats and the mitigation strategies used to manage risk.

Learning Outcomes
  • Gain an understanding of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats
  • Learn how cybersecurity risks are identified, classified, prioritized and matched to control strategies
  • Develop an understanding of how cybersecurity risks are managed, mitigated and controlled
  • Gain familiarity with a number of cybersecurity frameworks, standards and guidelines

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for David Lanter, Ph.D., GISP, CISA, CISSP

David Lanter, Ph.D., GISP, CISA, CISSP

Director - Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security Graduate Program & National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dave Lanter, PhD, GISP, CISA, CISSP is Director for Information Technology Auditing and Cyber Security graduate programs & National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense at Temple University. Previously, he was Vice President of Information Management Services at CDM Smith... Read More →
avatar for Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Matt Gerike, Ph.D, GISP

Geospatial Program Manager, Virginia Geographic Information Network
Matt Gerike is Geospatial Program Manager for 9-1-1 GIS at the Virginia Geographic Information Network where he supports localities across the commonwealth. He has managed GIS offices and projects in local government, worked with state level GIS clearinghouses and data development... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Urban Extreme Heat Mapping for Climate and Community Resilience - Half-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Urban Extreme Heat Mapping for Climate and Community Resilience - Half-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Michael Gould, PhD., Education Manager, Esri and Professor at University Jaume I (Spain)
Teresa Townsend, AICP, Chief Executive Officer, Planning Communities

This half-day workshop will provide participants with hands-on experience in GIS workflows for identifying and analyzing urban extreme heat using local community datasets. Where does extreme heat occur, how does tree cover affect heat, and who are the vulnerable populations affected?

This is the first step in a medium-term project to train university students, GIS professionals, and urban planners/designers (both key stakeholders in a city) in a set of simple, consistent heat index mapping workflows.

Learning Objectives:
  • Sourcing geospatial data
  • Online GIS (everything is done using ArcGIS Online)
  • Basic image processing
  • Population data basics
  • Creation of a Composite Index
  • Cartographic techniques
  • Publication of the results
  • Storytelling (StoryMaps)- optional

Participants will work in a group setting. Bring your own laptop, and ArcGIS Online licenses will be provided for the workshop exercises.

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 
avatar for Michael Gould

Michael Gould

Global Educational Manager/Professor, Esri
avatar for Teresa Townsend, AICP

Teresa Townsend, AICP

CEO, Planning Communities
Teresa is a founding partner and Chief Executive Officer of Planning Communities, an urban planning and environmental socially-responsible B-Corp Certified firm, and has been a leader in integrating geospatial sciences in community, transportation and environmental planning for more... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Tuesday, October 8

2:00pm EDT

GIS as a Tool for Change
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
There are many ways to implement change in the world.  This set of talks addresses using GIS, collaboration, and GIS Corps to enhance employment, train young people, develop guidance on Social Risk, Resilience, and Vulnerability Indices. This session will help provide insights for critical considerations to help make GIS more equitable relative to its ability to impact change.

Guidance on Social Risk, Resilience, and Vulnerability Indices Web Application, a collaboration between URISA and NAPSG with support from GISCorps
Emilie Pratt, GIS Analyst/URISA GISCorps Volunteer, NAPSG Foundation, Kearneysville, WV

Brain & Body Maps: Understanding Neuroscience as Key Tool for Creating Powerful and Effective Change
Kathryn Brewer, GISP, IT Project Director, Spatial Relationships, Boston, MA

Leveraging GIS for Enhancing Employment Growth Allocation
Xuanye Zuo, Associate Modeler, and Ying Zhou, Modeling Supervisor, SCAG - Los Angeles, CA

Incorporating an Equity Lens in GIS: Key Concepts for Addressing Community Engagement and Racial Disparities
Clinton G Johnson, CEO/Chief Visionary Officer, Us@Spaces, Philadelphia, PA

avatar for Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Senior Research Associate, Cleveland State University
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP is an applied urban geographer and demographer and has more than 40 years of experience in data management, dissemination, and analysis. He has been active in providing and analyzing data and has conducted studies in urban migration, poverty, housing, voting... Read More →
avatar for Emilie Pratt

Emilie Pratt

GIS Analyst/URISA GISCorps Volunteer, NAPSG Foundation
Emilie Pratt is a dedicated GIS professional with extensive experience in emergency response and geospatial analysis. Currently contributing to URISA’s GISCorps, Emilie has played a pivotal role in disaster response efforts, including assisting GISCorps PhotoMappers during hurricanes... Read More →
avatar for Kathryn Brewer, GISP

Kathryn Brewer, GISP

IT Project Director, Spatial Relationships
Kathryn Brewer (she/her) has over 25 years of leading change in the geospatial technology field. She recently served on the URISA Board of Directors and was Board Liaison to the Pro-Equity and Anti-Racism Committee.While still working diligently in the geospatial technology field... Read More →
avatar for Xuanye Zuo

Xuanye Zuo

Associate Modeler, SCAG

Ying Zhou

Modeling Supervisor, SCAG
avatar for Clinton G Johnson

Clinton G Johnson

CEO/Chief Visionary Officer, Us@Spaces
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

GIS Strengthening Community and Economies
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
This session focuses on examples and illustrations of how GIS is used to focus on economic issues across communities and landscapes.
A Climate Change and Resiliency Perspective on an Ever - Changing Coastal Landscape; The City of Portland Maine
Kevin Deneault, M.S., GIS Mapping Specialist, City of Portland, Portland, ME

Rainy Day Fund: Why American Cities and Towns Need High Accuracy Planimetric Mapping
Lucia Woo, Technical and Business Development Manager, Fugro, Frederick, MD
avatar for Kim McDonough

Kim McDonough

URISA Past President, Retired
avatar for Kevin Deneault, M.S.

Kevin Deneault, M.S.

GIS Mapping Specialist, City of Portland, Maine
avatar for Lucia Woo

Lucia Woo

Technical and Business Development Manager, Fugro
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Wednesday, October 9

11:00am EDT

Property & Neighborhoods
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
How do we better understand the trends and changing nature of communities and their neighborhoods relative to key services? This session will focus on fairly estimating the makeup and needs of local areas, with a focus on people, accessibility to health services, proximity to parks, and property values.

Defining Spatial accessibility to hospitals in Jeddah city: A GIS approach
AbdulKader Murad, PhD, Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Application of Spatial Data Analysis for Property Valuation Workflows
Daniel Fasteen, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Tyler Technologies, Rosemount, MN
Local Area Data Estimates when Census Geography Doesn’t Work
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP, Senior Research Associate, Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Alex Dorman, Research Fellow, The Center for Community Solutions, Cleveland, OH

Solving Spatial Problems with Graph Theory
Jeff Wright, Sr Design Technician, ENTRUST Solutions Group, Minneapolis, MN 
avatar for Alex Hepp

Alex Hepp

Director, Assessment, Cyclomedia Technology, Inc.
Imagery. GIS. Assessment. Please consider joining the Conference Committee.
avatar for AbdulKader Murad, PhD

AbdulKader Murad, PhD

Professor, King Abdulaziz University
Abdulkader A. Murad is a Fallow at the Charted Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, FCInstCES, and a member of URISA. Currently, he is a Professor of GIS at King AbdulAziz University, Previous to this, he was is the GIS Advisor for the Vice President for projects in king AbdulAziz... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Fasteen, PhD

Daniel Fasteen, PhD

Senior Research Scientist, Tyler Technologies
Daniel Fasteen, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Scientist with Tyler Technologies.  Since 2010, Daniel has worked various roles in both the private and local government sector as a CAMA manager, product manager, research scientist, and consultant focusing on GIS application, property... Read More →
avatar for Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Senior Research Associate, Cleveland State University
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP is an applied urban geographer and demographer and has more than 40 years of experience in data management, dissemination, and analysis. He has been active in providing and analyzing data and has conducted studies in urban migration, poverty, housing, voting... Read More →
avatar for Alex Dorman

Alex Dorman

Research Fellow, The Center for Community Solutions
Alex Dorman works as a Research Fellow at The Center for Community Solutions, a nonpartisan non-profit think tank in Cleveland, OH. In this capacity, Alex has conducted research and written on a wide array of topics including the changing demographics of Ohio, access to prenatal care... Read More →

Jeff Wright

Sr Design Technician, ENTRUST Solutions Group
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Coastal Climate Resilience & Flooding
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
The presentations in this session focus on coastal climate resilience and flooding.

Using GIS for Climate Resilience Planning and Action
Michael Gould, PhD., Global Education Manager, Esri, Redlands, CA

Urban Flood Detection Project: Simple Data for a Complex Problem
Casey Conrad, GIS Analyst, City of Charleston, Hanahan, SC

Harnessing Aerial Imagery and Digital Twins for Climate Resilience: Strategies for the GIS Community
Joe Oddi, Director of Partner Strategies, Government, EagleView, Rochester, NY
avatar for Judy Colby-George, GISP

Judy Colby-George, GISP

Principal, VIEWSHED
Judy is the owner of Viewshed, which is made up of Spatial Alternatives, GIS Consulting and tjd&a, Landscape Architects and Planners.  She has worked with municipal governments, regional planning agencies, and state governments in New England for over 25 years.  Judy has extensive... Read More →
avatar for Michael Gould

Michael Gould

Global Educational Manager/Professor, Esri
avatar for Casey Conrad

Casey Conrad

GIS Analyst, City of Charleston
avatar for Joe Oddi

Joe Oddi

Director of Partner Strategies, Government, EagleView
Joe Oddi is the Director of Partner Strategies at EagleView. He's been with the company for 10 years and currently manages EagleView's vast network of strategic and software integration partners.Residing in Denver, Colorado, Joe is a proud father of two energetic boys, aged 6 and... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Coastal Climate Resilience and Power of GIS
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
This session highlights examples of coastal climate resilience using the power of GIS and LiDAR to combat sea level rise.

Empowering Regional Resilience With GIS
Ashley Mott, GIS Manager, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council - Pinellas Park, FL

Using Geospatial Tools to Understand Sea Level Rise Implications on Mudflats and Tidal Marshes in Maine
Judy Colby-George, GISP, Principal, VIEWSHED, Yarmouth, ME

Building Climate-Ready Coasts using Next-Generation Land Cover and Lidar Data
Jamie Carter, Regional Geospatial Coordinator, NOAA Office for Coastal Management, Yarmouth, ME
avatar for John Derek Morgan, Ph.D., GISP

John Derek Morgan, Ph.D., GISP

Associate Professor of GIS, University of West Florida
avatar for Ashley Mott

Ashley Mott

GIS Manager, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
Ashley Mott serves as GIS Manager at the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council (TBRPC) where she supports regional resilience, emergency preparedness and environmental planning projects with GIS, maps, and data visualization. Ashley also provides technical assistance to TBRPC member... Read More →
avatar for Judy Colby-George, GISP

Judy Colby-George, GISP

Principal, VIEWSHED
Judy is the owner of Viewshed, which is made up of Spatial Alternatives, GIS Consulting and tjd&a, Landscape Architects and Planners.  She has worked with municipal governments, regional planning agencies, and state governments in New England for over 25 years.  Judy has extensive... Read More →
avatar for Jamie Carter

Jamie Carter

Northeast Region Geospatial Coordinator, NOAA
Jamie Carter is a remote sensing analyst with NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management (OCM) and serves coastal communities primarily in the Northeast Region. He has a bachelor’s degree in Ecology from Tulane University, a master’s degree in Physical Geography from Oregon State... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Thursday, October 10

8:30am EDT

GIS for Equity & Engagement
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
This session considers how GIS is being used to overcome education barriers, engage communities, and support equity. These talks consider various equity indices, models, and the URISA Code of Ethics to understand the efficacy and impact projects can have on the development of communities.

Empowering Equitable Sidewalk Infrastructure with GIS
Juliette Bateman, GIS Developer, dymaptic, Asheville, NC

Local Redistricting and the GIS Practitioner’s Ethical Obligations
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP, Senior Research Associate, Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH

Classrooms and Communities: Collaborative Mapping for Flood Mitigation
Wansoo Im, Ph.D, Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College
Suhyun Bea, Undergraduate Student, University Utah, Asia Campus - Seoul, South Korea

Engaging Elementary Students in Climate Change through Community Mapping
Yun kyung Cha, Elementary School Teacher and Yoonji Chung, Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association, Won-ju si, South Korea
avatar for Judy Colby-George, GISP

Judy Colby-George, GISP

Principal, VIEWSHED
Judy is the owner of Viewshed, which is made up of Spatial Alternatives, GIS Consulting and tjd&a, Landscape Architects and Planners.  She has worked with municipal governments, regional planning agencies, and state governments in New England for over 25 years.  Judy has extensive... Read More →

Juliette Bateman

GIS Developer, dymaptic
avatar for Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Mark Salling, PhD, GISP

Senior Research Associate, Cleveland State University
Mark Salling, PhD, GISP is an applied urban geographer and demographer and has more than 40 years of experience in data management, dissemination, and analysis. He has been active in providing and analyzing data and has conducted studies in urban migration, poverty, housing, voting... Read More →
avatar for Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College

Suhyun Bea

Undergraduate Student, University Utah, Asia Campus
avatar for Yun kyung Cha

Yun kyung Cha

Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association

Yoonji Chung

Elementary School Teacher, The Gogo Teachers' Association
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
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