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Welcome to GIS-Pro 2024: URISA’s 62nd Annual Conference, taking place in Portland, Maine! This is where you review the comprehensive educational program for the conference and plan your agenda.

We are pleased to collaborate with the New England Chapter of URISA on this important event.

Go to this page to register for the conference and make travel plans; review sponsor and exhibit packages, and check out young professional and student opportunities. Early bird registration discounts are available until August 1. 
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Monday, October 7

8:00am EDT

An Overview of Open Source GIS Software - Full-Day Workshop
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
An Overview of Open Source GIS Software - Full-Day Workshop
Monday, October 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Matthew Yurman, PMP, Principal, Spatial Focus, Inc., Decatur, GA
Sara Yurman, GISP, Director of Information Services, Spatial Focus, Inc., Decatur, GA

Free and open source software (FOSS) has been offering choices to computer users for a number of years. This workshop offers a quick dip into open source, focusing on the use of a common suite of GIS open-source software. Both technical and management discussions of open-source development will be accompanied by a series of exercises that start with freshly installed software and progresses through creating a spatial database for use by a work group, along with examples of data analysis and web publication.

Participants are invited to bring their own laptops and follow along with the step-by-step instructions. The workshop ends with an overview of a wide variety of open-source software packages that can extend the capabilities explored in the exercises.

Exercises include:
  • Using QGIS
  • Using PostgreSQL/PostGIS
  • Reading from web services
  • Publishing data as web services
  • Creating a web map in GeoServer

Intended Audience: Anyone interested in free and open-source geographic information system software. The workshop will suit both managerial and technical needs and it does not require any prerequisites.

Cost: One full-day or one half-day workshop is included with full conference registration. The cost to add a second half-day workshop is $100 member/$125 nonmember. 

Matt Yurman, PMP

Principal, Spatial Focus, Inc.
avatar for Sara Yurman, GISP

Sara Yurman, GISP

Director of Information Services, Spatial Focus, Inc.
Sara Yurman, GISP, is a founding partner in Spatial Focus, a consulting firm specializing in addressing and spatial data.  In that capacity she has worked nationally and internationally, handling projects in locations as diverse as Little Rock, Arkansas, Bandah Aceh, Indonesia and... Read More →
Monday October 7, 2024 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Tuesday, October 8

2:00pm EDT

Navigating GIS Education Throughout the GIS Career
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Education is key as we navigate our education as a foundation for our GIS Career. Continued Education is also a large part of what we do, especially when considering certification for the GISP. Join us in this session to empower yourselves in a profession that values education from the time you are a student and throughout your career.

Empowering HBCU Students in Tennessee with GIS & Community Mapping Skills
Kirstyn George, Health Career Pathway Program Manager, Meharry Medical College
Wansoo Im, Ph.D, Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College

Knowing What You Don't Know: Designing an Introductory Course for GIS Professionals
Adrienne Goldsberry, Associate Teaching Professor, Penn State University, Austin, TX

Reexamining the Exam: Towards Applied Project-Based Learning
Adrian Faraguna, M. SC., GISP, Instructor, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary, AB, Canada

An Update on the GISCI: What’s Happening and What’s New
Tony Spicci, CGMP GISP, Executive Director, GIS Certification Institute, Columbia, MO
avatar for Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Liz Parrish, MBA, GISP

Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights, H-E-B
Liz Parrish is the Manager of Geospatial Analytics & Insights for H-E-B. Liz is passionate about enabling organizations and individuals in achieving success through well-curated geospatial strategies that harness the power of location, data science, and technology to drive business... Read More →
avatar for Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College
avatar for Tony Spicci, CGMP GISP

Tony Spicci, CGMP GISP

Executive Director, GIS Certification Institute
The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) is a nonprofit 501(c)6 organization incorporated in 2002. The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) promotes the advancement of proficient GIS professionals through its international GISP® (Certified GIS Professional) certification program. The... Read More →
avatar for Kirstyn George, MSPH

Kirstyn George, MSPH

Health Career Pathway Program Manager, Meharry Medical College
avatar for Adrienne Goldsberry, M.A.

Adrienne Goldsberry, M.A.

Associate Teaching Professor, Penn State University
avatar for Adrian Faraguna, M. SC., GISP

Adrian Faraguna, M. SC., GISP

Instructor, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Tuesday October 8, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Open-Source Data Creation and Quality Assurance
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
This session focuses on the creation of open-source datasets, particularly those that were created through crowdsourcing such as OpenStreetMap layers and census info. The quality assurance that is involved before disseminating these datasets will also be discussed.

A Study on the Quality of OpenStreetMap Road Data in the Contiguous U.S.
Dapeng Li, GISP, Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL

Open Source in the U.S. Census Bureau Geographic Partnership Programs Web Applications
Emily Vratarich, Geographer, U.S. Census Bureau, Hillcrest HTS, MD
avatar for Olga Tambazidis

Olga Tambazidis

GIS Tech II, Los Angeles County DMH
avatar for Dapeng Li, GISP

Dapeng Li, GISP

Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
avatar for Emily Vratarich

Emily Vratarich

Geographer, U.S. Census Bureau
Emily Vratarich has worked as a Geographer for seven years with the Geography Division of the Census Bureau. In her role, she coordinates the requirements, stakeholders, development, and production of the Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) application. She has worked on... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Wednesday, October 9

11:00am EDT

GIS & Public Health
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
GIS is an important tool in understanding public health. From understanding maternal and child welfare and access to healthcare to mapping socioeconomic factors and historical addressing, these talks all provide us with methods for using GIS within the broader public health sphere. This session will conclude with a panel discussion from all session participants to further explore citizen science, spatial and temporal accuracy, and bridging the gap between data and community.

Making Health Equity Transparent with LA County’s Community Health Profiles
Shannon Julius, GISP, Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles, Downey, CA
Robert Graham, Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles, Downey, CA
Juan Cardenas, GISP, GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles eGIS, Downey, CA

Pushing the Boundaries of Esri’s Geocoder: Historical Geocoding
Cassandra (Cassie) Sanford, GIS Specialist, UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research, Madison, WI
Nyla Thursday, GIS Specialist,  UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research, Madison, WI

Beyond the Classroom: GIS and Community Engagement at Meharry Medical College
Wansoo Im, Ph.D, Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College


Pamela Harris

Natural Resource Planner, Maryland Department of the Environment
avatar for Shannon Julius, GISP

Shannon Julius, GISP

Principal GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles
Shannon has been working as a GIS professional for Cities in Los Angeles County since 2014 and for Los Angeles County since 2021. She has an M.S. in GISci from Cal State Long Beach and a B.A. in Environmental Analysis from Pitzer College. Her current hobbies are hiking, board games... Read More →
avatar for Robert Graham, GISP

Robert Graham, GISP

GIS Specialist, County of Los Angeles
Rob is a GIS programmer and data architect working with Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS.  He is committed to GIS technology as a tool to improve human conditions and build community power, and has worked with a variety of public interest groups to develop engaging data and mapping... Read More →
avatar for Juan Cardenas, GISP

Juan Cardenas, GISP

GIS Analyst, County of Los Angeles
GIS Analyst at Los Angeles County Enterprise GIS
avatar for Cassie Sanford

Cassie Sanford

GIS Specialist, UW-Madison's Center for Health Disparities Research
Cassie Sanford is a GIS Specialist at the University of Wisconsin - Madison's Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR). At CHDR, Cassie and her coworker Nyla have pioneered new ways in historical geocoding. They have created new datasets using historical census data to support... Read More →
avatar for Nyla Thursday

Nyla Thursday

GIS Specialist, UW-Madison Center for Health Disparities Research
Nyla is an enthusiastic GIS and cartography teacher and life long learner. She loves finding brand new ways to solve tangled messes of problems, learning endlessly from her peers, and teaching anyone that is interested. In her work at the Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR... Read More →
avatar for Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Wansoo Im, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Global Health/Meharry Medical College
Wednesday October 9, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Network Modeling
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Physical networks such as roadways, sewer systems, and watersheds tie us together and are ever evolving. This session will focus on modeling of these networks, their underlying data, and improving the relationships within them.

Engineering and GIS Analysis
Vineela Griddaluru, P.E., CFM, GISP, Water Resources Engineer, Jacobs, Wildwood, MO

Generating Certified Public Mileage as a Published Dataset
Gregory Rothwell, GISP, Senior GIS Technician, City of Phoenix-Water Services, Phoenix, AZ

Enhancing Sewer Inspections through GIS for Safer and Smarter Infrastructure Management
Johnny Harley, GIS Analyst, TREKK Design Group, Fairway, KS

Rick Szmajter

Retired, Retired City of Durango
avatar for Vineela Griddaluru, P.E., CFM, GISP

Vineela Griddaluru, P.E., CFM, GISP

Water Resources Engineer, Jacobs Solutions Inc.
Vineela is a proficient Water Resources Engineer and a GISP with 14 years of professional experience. Her expertise over the years includes successfully developing numerous models of surface water hydrology and hydraulics (h&h), water distribution systems, storm water management... Read More →
avatar for Gregory Rothwell, GISP

Gregory Rothwell, GISP

Senior GIS Technician, City of Phoenix - Water Services
avatar for Johnny Harley

Johnny Harley

GIS Analyst, TREKK Design Group
Wednesday October 9, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Addresses, Roads, & Data Models, Oh My!
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Address point and road centerline data are at the center of local data that are used for public safety and emergency services among many other applications. Presentations in this session explore addresses from the perspectives of data models for public safety and preparing data for public safety use cases.

3rd version's a charm? NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model Deep Thoughts
Deb Rozeboom, GISP, ENP, PMP, Product Manager GIS Services, GeoComm, Albany, OR

NENA Address Data Standard Revisions: and the Relational GIS Data Model, and CLDXF v2
Ed Wells, GISP, Retired, University Park, MD

How to (Not) Build a 911 Database
Heather Studley, GISP, GIS Manager, Bannock County GIS, Pocatello, ID
avatar for Sid Pandey

Sid Pandey

GIS Senior Consultant, Deloitte
Sid is a Senior Geospatial Consultant within Deloitte's Location Intelligence Practice. He possesses extensive experience helping organizations leverage geospatial technology to analyze, collect, manage, and visualize data to make informed decisions. He regularly works with interdisciplinary... Read More →
avatar for Deb Rozeboom, GISP, ENP, PMP

Deb Rozeboom, GISP, ENP, PMP

Product Manager - GIS Services, GeoComm
Deb Rozeboom is a Product Manager of GIS Services with GeoComm. In her 18-year career at GeoComm she has worked with countless Local, State, and Federal government agencies and Public Safety ECCs to build and maintain GIS data for 9-1-1 systems. She is a member and leader of multiple... Read More →
avatar for Ed Wells, GISP

Ed Wells, GISP

Past President of URISA, Retired
Ed Wells was one the four principal co-authors of the FGDC address standard. He served as Technical Editor for the NENA workgroup that drafted the Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXFv1), and is an active member of CLDXFv2 workgroup. He has been an active participant in the... Read More →
avatar for Heather Studley, GISP

Heather Studley, GISP

GIS Manager, Bannock County GIS
Studley started as a simple GIS Technician entering Records of Surveys and suddenly became someone who “knows things” (getting put in charge of the GIS system in the process) and one of those things is addressing and GIS data integration for the local 911 system. She is also involved... Read More →
Wednesday October 9, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Thursday, October 10

8:30am EDT

Spatial & Statistical Analysis for Emergency Services
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
The location of critical facilities and data about emergency incidents play key roles in how we understand and act on causes, patterns, and services. This session will focus on integrating data for spatial and statistical analysis of law, fire, and health case studies.
Using GIS for Modeling Spatial Accessibility to Public Health Emergency Facilities in Jeddah City
Abdulkader Murad, PhD, Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Spatial and Statistical Analysis of Crime Patterns in Relation to Stakeholder Response: A Case Study of Oakland, California
Mark Leipnik, PhD, Professor of Geography and Sanjay Mehta, PhD, Professor of Marketing, Dept. of Environmental and Geo-Sciences, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

Spatial Analysis for Fire Station Site Selection
Ethan McGhee, Systems Application Specialist – GIS, City of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA

Using GIS to Modernize Public Safety Data Collection Workflows
Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP, Information Technology Specialist, California Highway Patrol, Sacramento, CA
avatar for Kara Utter

Kara Utter

GIS Consultant and Owner, Dynamic Visions GIS
GIS Consultant and owner of Dynamic Visions GIS. With over 10 years of experience in GIS, I have worked with local, state, and federal government entities, as well as the nonprofit and private sectors. I spent the last five years building and coordinating a County-level GIS program... Read More →
avatar for AbdulKader Murad, PhD

AbdulKader Murad, PhD

Professor, King Abdulaziz University
Abdulkader A. Murad is a Fallow at the Charted Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, FCInstCES, and a member of URISA. Currently, he is a Professor of GIS at King AbdulAziz University, Previous to this, he was is the GIS Advisor for the Vice President for projects in king AbdulAziz... Read More →
avatar for Mark Leipnik, Ph.D

Mark Leipnik, Ph.D

Professor of Geography, Sam Houston State University
Dr. Leipnik is a Professor in the Department of Environmental and Geosciences at Sam Houston State University in Texas specializing in GIS since 1996. He received his PhD from University of California at Santa Barbara in Geography in 1995. He is the author of two books and over fifty... Read More →
avatar for Sanjay Mehta, Ph.D

Sanjay Mehta, Ph.D

Professor of Marketing, Sam Houston State University
Dr. Sanjay S. Mehta (BS, MS, MBA, PhD) is a professor in the School of Business at Sam Houston State University, Texas since 1997.  He has won the University's top awards for Excellence in Scholarship and Excellence in Community Engagement.
avatar for Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP

Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP

Information Technology Specialist, California Highway Patrol
Christina is the GIS Data Lead at the California Highway Patrol (CHP). She manages the computer aided dispatch system spatial data and the Enterprise system for CHP, increasing the use of spatial data analytics through dashboards and maps to coordinate efficient public safety intelligence... Read More →
Thursday October 10, 2024 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
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